Controversial Certificate of Extension Backfire –As Defeated Lawmakers Makes Additional Demands


Controversial Certificate of Extension Backfire –As Defeated Lawmakers Makes Additional Demands

By:Papie Sheriff Kollie,Jr.

IPNews-Monrovia, Liberia- 6 January 2018: What appears to be complete controversial certificate of extension for additional nine days issued by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has backfired with defeated legislators in 53rd Legislature demanding more money for their come back.

According to our Legislative Correspondent many defeated lawmakers where seen on the grounds of the Liberian Legislature standing in smaller groups early Wednesday morning having meeting with their colleagues.

Some of those defeated Lawmaker include Gabriel Buchanan Smith of Grand Bassa, Byron Brown of Grand Bassa, Robertson Siaway of Grand Bassa, other are Josephine Joy Francis of Montserrado, Jeremiah McCauley of Sinoe County, Numene T.H. Bartekwa of Grand Kru County among others.

Legislative sources hinted our Correspondent that Lawmakers mainly defeated are requesting more of the money that will be given by the President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to pass on some crucial instruments.

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Wednesday received a certificate of extension signed by one fourth members of the 53rd National Legislature, following request by the Liberian Chief Executive.

Madame Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has requested members of the 53rd Liberian Legislature to return to session for nine days in other to legislate key instruments.

Some defeated legislators who recent days refused to show up to their respective offices were for the first time spotted on the grounds of the Legislature.

Sources have also hinted our Correspondent that they are expected to take ten thousand United States dollars  for their sitting fees, one key question on the minds of Liberian mainly staffs of those legislators remain what do their stand to benefit, if they are to come with them?.

Some personal Staffs of the defeated Legislators have also vowed not to show their bosses they only going to there for their own selfish interest and staffs will have nothing to benefit.

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