GSA Begins Retrieval of Government Vehicle In line with Presidential Mandate


GSA Begins Retrieval of Government Vehicle In line with Presidential Mandate

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-4 January 2018:  The General Services Agency-GSA has begun a vigorous trivial of all government vehicle in anticipation of the inauguration of President-elect George M. Weah.

GSA Deputy Director for Operation  Baokai  Sirleaf , stated that government action was promoted by the government resolved to ensure a smooth transition and in accordance with a decision reached by Cabinet that all government Ministries and Agencies surrender their vehicles to the General Services Agency to alleviate the transportation burden of the government during the inauguration of President-elect George M. Weah on January 22, 2017.

He said contrary to claims by many that government was enforcing this due to exodus of vehicle into homes of current government officials, the GSA was taking such action to ensure the inauguration is a success.

Mr. Sirleaf also stated that GSA was coordinating with all government functionaries to professionally fast-track the process by assigning the driver of those vehicles retrieved at the exercise for onward assignment during  the inauguration contrary to assertions that these vehicles were been taken away from line ministries and Agencies.

On the issues of reported dissatisfaction among current government that the exercise was being targeted at few officials, the GSA Director for Operation defaulted claims and said the GSA was not in the business on going after particular government officials.

Mr. Boakia, indicated that the full compliance to the presidential mandate will be ahead to as all government officials are duly informed about the exercise and wonders why some were reneging on bringing forward their assigned vehicles.

He further put aside fears by some government functionaries of vehicles been taken away but stated that government was taking precautionary measure as part of this exercise to safeguard government properties in accordance with the mandate of the General Services Agency .

Boakai Sirleaf: “ This is not the first time has asked government ministries and Agencies to turn vehicles over. The cabinet issued similar mandate during the holding of the ECOWAS heads of Sates meeting in Monrovia in June 2017 and the Women’s Colloquium respectively.

He call on all to full comply with this mandate and turn in their assigned vehicles as there are unspecified consequences awaiting violators .

Boakai also told the Independent Probe that contrary to reports emulating from various government Ministries and Agencies of some employees taking away government vehicles in the name that they have purchased said vehicle, that the GSA will fully vet all alleged purchased vehicles in accordance with law and institute full appraisal on said vehicle before the issuance of an final ownership certificate .

0 thoughts on “GSA Begins Retrieval of Government Vehicle In line with Presidential Mandate”

  1. Aloysius P Gwaikolo

    Why should the Government vehicles even be sold to individuals, when it still in shape and form to be used. As a Liberian fighting for change in my Country, I personally don’t buy into idea of selling Government properties to Government employees.

  2. Aloysius P Gwaikolo

    Why should the Government vehicles even be sold to individuals, when it still in good shape and form to be used. As a Liberian fighting for change in my Country, I personally don’t buy into idea of selling Government properties to Government employees.

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