People’s Republic Of China Congratulates President-elect Geaorge Weah

Laws & Order

People’s Republic Of China Congratulates President-elect Geaorge Weah

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia- 3 January  2018: President-elect George M. Weah continues to receive tons of congratulatory messages from world leaders notably the government of the United States, France , Italy, Germany, Canada , Mexico, South Africa, Kingdom of Morocco and now Liberia major  development partner the  People’s Republic of China.

In his congratulatory message to Liberia’s President-elect George M. Weah, Geng Shuang, , spokesman Chinese Foreign Ministry, said China is ready to work with Liberia to promote the bilateral comprehensive cooperative partnership and benefit the two peoples. According to China’s official news network Xinhua News Agency

Senator George Manneh Weah won the 2017 Liberia presidential election by 61.5 percent against his rival Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai, who obtain 38.5 percent.

The election marks a huge step to the country’s the first democratic transition in 73 years. Outgoing President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf is expected to hand over power on January 22, 2017.

Both Senator Weah and vice president Boakai during the height of the country’s political process reassured Liberians and international partners about their commitment to strengthen bilateral and diplomatic relations with countries around the world and added that they will uphold the ‘One China Policy’.

Since the rebirth of Liberia-China relationship in 2006, much has been achieved through various aids from the People’s Republic of China. Most of which have been in the areas of education and infrastructure.

However, the PRC has begun shifting to a latter extent its attention to the development of agriculture programs geared towards improving agricultural production.

Liberia voted the admission of China into the United Nations since 1971, maintaining good relationship that is based on mutual respect, national sovereignty and economic prosperity.

Unfortunately, in 1987, due to what can be describe as ‘dollar’ diplomacy, the then government of President Samuel Kanyon Doe broke diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China and established diplomatic relations with Taiwan, an island the PRC considers its territory.

In 1992, Liberia re-established diplomatic relations with the PRC, but this diplomatic relations was short-lived and experienced another nightmare following the elections of former President Charles Ghankay Taylor. Mr. Taylor, once again broke diplomatic relations with the PRC and established relations with Taiwan.

Liberia’s relations with the Island which belongs to One China came to an end in August 2003, after Mr. Taylor went into exile in Nigeria.

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