Mulbah Morlu Warns: “ CDC will not tolerate Financial Criminals in New Government”


Mulbah Morlu Warns: “ CDC will not tolerate Financial Criminals in New Government”

IPNews-Monrovia, Liberia- 3 January 2018: CDC vice chairman for Operation Mulbah K. Morlu is warning of grave consequences for any “Financial criminals”, seeking job in the CDC led government.

Mr. Morlu warning comes in the wake of influx of former and current government officials unto the grounds of the Coalition for Democratic change-CDC .

Addressing hundreds of CDC partisans on Wednesday at the Party’s headquarters, the CDC- VOP stated that while the standard Bearer of the CDC and President-elect George M. Weah remains committed to ensuring a government of inclusion, the CDC will continue to guard against re-circled corrupt politicians who caused the massive looting of previous coffer of governments.

“Let me sound this warning to all who-be government officials  or those seeking jobs within the CDC-led government . Gone are the days you will come to government to loot and undermine the developmental drive of the government and cause perpetual sufferings of our people. We will go after you as we have done in the  last twelve years without fear and favor remembering this government came to being with the blood and sweat of Cidicians “.

The CDC vice chairman for operations, also took up time to cool off high expectation prevailing among young partisans of the CDC-adding that there is no need to panic as every member of the CDC will be afforded the opportunity to serve in every capacity.

Mulbah Morlu: “ I heard in many areas some are jeering over having jobs. Let me say this to you today my fellow partisans. This government came to being due to your commitment and loyalty and we shall ensure all Cidicians here today whether you got the credential or not will be afforded the opportunity to serve in your respective capacities.  We like to remember you in every way possible because when we needed your votes we did not ask for qualification and so now, we will not hold you aside because you don’t have credentials”.

He cautioned partisans to embrace other new comers into the CDC-acknowledging their tremendous support leading to a massive victory during the first round October polls and December runoff election respectively.

“ Cidicians, let’s keep the unity and embrace all of our new members. Whether you came in a day or today into the CDC, we say to you welcome and this is your home.  In here, there is no big Cdician or small Cidician. We are all Cidicians striving for a better Liberia for our kids and the future of Liberia”.  Mulbah K. Morlu concludes.

0 thoughts on “Mulbah Morlu Warns: “ CDC will not tolerate Financial Criminals in New Government””

  1. Dear Mr. Marlu, First of all let me introduce myself to you. My name is Anthony Teah Martu, from Grand Kru County and residing in USA. I am here to congratulate you for CDC victory.
    On 3rd January, 2018 you addressed CDC partisans, and in your speech you said something that
    moved me to send this note to you. 1st, You said your will remember every way possible for every
    CDC member(s) because when your needed their votes your didn’t ask for qualification to vote.
    Therefore, your will NOT hold them aside because you or they don’t have credential.
    2nd, In the same speech you, Mr. Marlu said in here there is NO big and small Cidicians. In conclusion, you said we are all cidicians and used one ticket to vote that gave us the victory.
    Hope Mr. Marlu, not only to say it but need action.

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