Crime Watch


——-Attributes Cyrus Presence to Under-cutting of CDC Preferred Candidate

IPNEWS: Undisputable sources from Lofa County has hinted the authoritative Independent Probe that current Montserrado County District No. 5 Representative Thomas Fallah, and former Lofa Representative Moses Kollie are behind intense lobby to buyout notable national security expert Momo Cyrus from the planned Lofa County Senatorial race.

According to sources who confided in IPNEWS, the pairs are all out heavily lobbying with the office of President George Weah for his intervention in persuading Senatorial hopeful Momo Cyrus to consider a pullout from the ensuing Lofa county senatorial elections to support CDC endorsed candidate Cllr. Joseph Jallah.

The report of buying out Momo Cyrus come days following the disproportionate jeering of CDC endorsed candidate Cllr. Jallah in Foya, Salayea, Voinjama and Zorzor Districts.

Prior to the halting of campaign by the National Elections Commissions in Lofa County due to ongoing legal issues between the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), Unity Party (UP) and the All Liberian Party (ALP), IPNEWS survey conducted puts Momo Cyrus closet to Unity Party’s controversial candidate Mr. Galakpai W. Kortimai, former Superintendent.

IPNEWS has further gathered that supporters of Momo Cyrus, including the Commissioner of Hawassa District, have been threatened dismissals if they did not support the CDC candidate Cllr. Joseph Jallah.

In the wake of the accusation, IPNEWS contacted the pairs accused the planned buyout but to no avail up to press time. However, the man at the center of the buyout, Momo Cyrus confirmed the report but term it as ‘mere rumors’.

Cyrus stated that President George Weah has not called him on the matter and he has no doubt that the rumors could be true because of his implicit confidence in the political competition credentials of the Liberian leader and will not want such happening in Lofa county.

Mr. Momo Cyrus, CEO, Security Expert Guard Agency of Liberia (SEGAL)

Moses Lavalah, a student activist at the Pentecostal Mission in Lofa county, told IPNEWS that he will rally the continue support of youths of the county in securing the Senatorial seat of Lofa county for Mr. Momo Cyrus who continued to seek the welfare of youths in Lofa County.

“ Look at the many developmental projects Mr. Momo Cyrus is carrying out in Lofa County, especially recent contribution to the Voinjama Multilateral High School, during its  2021/2022 graduation exercises by offering full scholarships to two high-performing students of the institution, a male and a female, to study at any University of their choice to complete bachelor’s degree, with prospects of extending to Master’s and beyond; including the granting of scholarship for six graduates from various districts enrolled at the Free Pentecostal College in Voinjama, criminal justice department to pursue further studying at the Africa Methodist Episcopal Zion University in Criminal justice, to strengthen Lofa County Justice system. Who one of the aspirants have done this? Lavalah questioned.

In continuation of the report of an alleged buyout plan of Momo Cyrus from the forthcoming Lofa Senatorial race, Lavalah, stated that he has confidence in the candidacy of Mr. Cyrus and his works carried out in the county and would believe that there is no amount of inducement that will turn him away from representing the people of Lofa at the Liberian Senate.

Another elderly man in his mid-60s,(preferred not to be named) explained to IPNEWS that at the moment Lofa county needs a unifier amidst continued confusion with some opinion leaders of the county and government which has greatly undermine peace and tranquility.

“I think Momo Cyrus stand a very good chance of becoming Lofa county next Senator and there is no need to allow people buy him out of this race. I tell your this much, if Cyrus did this, he will lose his integrity and respect due to the level of acceptance he is currently enjoying in Lofa.”

IPNEWS understand that currently there are deep rooted trial conflict between the Kissi and the Gbandi tribal groups which Cllr. Jallah hails and has not sought to bring amicable resolution with accusations at some end that he has fuel most of those tribal confusion.

Other Political pundits argued why now would Thomas Fallah, and Moses Kollie be asking Mr.  Momo Cyrus to pull off the race when they initially considered him an underdog?

In recent times, there have been public outcry by the people of Lofa County and Liberians in general about the presence of a group of khaki uniforms and red berets-wearing Liberians in the county, believed to be members of the governing Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), supported by Montserrado County District #5 Representative, Thomas P. Fallah.

Speaking to OK FM 99.5 morning show on Wednesday, May 11, 2022, Representative Fallah said the presence of the CDC militants is in no way a threat to the peace and stability of Lofa County as being perceived by the public.

He noted those CDC militants’ sole responsibility is to provide ‘maximum security and protection’ to the candidate endorsed by the ruling CDC and other executives and officials who are currently in Lofa to canvass for the pending Lofa County Senatorial by-elections.

Meanwhile, Liberians are of the view that the putting of militants in the streets by the ruling CDC does not signal any good intent, moreover, what will happen if all of the political parties decide to parade uniformed militants to protect their respective candidates and party officials, while there is a national security force clothed with the responsibility to protect lives and properties.

Some Liberians who spoke to IPNEWS say putting militants in the streets by the governing CDC does not augur well for the political landscape as some of these militants who are not trained professional may go after people they perceived as enemies or opposition to their leaders. “Taking a look at our political landscape we fear that these militants will things as they pleased to satisfy their leaders who are part of the governing party.”

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