Police Make Gains on Armed Robbery-Other Crimes; Kills Five  Notorious Armed Robbers

Crime Watch

Police Make Gains on Armed Robbery-Other Crimes; Kills Five  Notorious Armed Robbers

IPNEWS: The Liberia National Police (LNP) has gunned down at least five suspects believed to be armed robbers in Redlight, Paynesville, Montserrado. The five alleged armed robbers were killed in an exchange of firearms with the Anti – Robbery Unit of the Liberia National Police early Thursday morning, 20 May.

The Anti- Robbery Unit was responding to a tip off that alleged criminals were robbing a cold storage in Redlight around 4am when a gun battle ensued and killed five suspects. According to Police Spokesperson Moses Carter, the robbers opened fire on police, adding that the officers had no choice but to return fire in self-defense.

Speaking to journalists on the incident scene Thursday, Police Inspector General Col. Patrick T. Sudue said they will not sit and

allow armed robbers to terrorize peaceful citizens. Col. Sudue assured that police will make sure that all citizens sleep in peace at night. The police Inspector General made it clear that the LNP will not rest with its regular night patrol in various communities as the rainy season begins.

Col. Sudue at the same time encouraged citizens to always report violent situations in their various communities to the Liberia National Police in order to ensure adherence to the rule of law. He said one officer is currently undergoing medical attention due to the same attack by robbers.

Meanwhile, the Liberia National Police has provided hotline numbers during occurrences of armed robbery and others crimes across the country, particularly in Monrovia, Liberia’s capital city, home to over 3Million inhabitants. 

The Police stated that in the wake of increased armed robbery activities in Monrovia and it surroundings, the Liberia Nation Police (LNP) is pleased to announce the following numbers for quick respond in time of emergency:

Zone 1. Bushrod Island – 0770800501 – 0770800990- 0770800911.

Zone 2. Central Monrovia – 0770800502 – 0770800990- 0770800911

Zone 3. Congo Town.
0770800503- 0770800990 -0770800911

Zone 4. Gernesville, Barnesville 0770800504- 0770800911 – 0770800990

Zone 5. Paynesville – 0770800505- 0770800911 -0770800990

Zone- 6. Brewerville, -0770800506- 0770800911- 0770800990

Zone 7. Corwell -0770800507
0770800990- 0770800911

Zone 8. Paynesville ELWA, Rehab, RIA Highway. 0770800508- 0770800990- 0770800911

Zone 9. Somalia Drive, Jacob Town among others.
0770800509- 07708009111

Zone 10- Vai Town, up to freeport. 0770800510- 0770800990-0770800911

Zone 11- Mont Barclay – kakata Highway up to 15 gate. 0770800511- 0770800990- 0770800911

Other Senior Police supervisors numbers. 0770800117 – Chief of Patrol and head of Zone and depots
0770800142- head Monrovia Region

0770800125- ERU Chief
0770800121- PSU Chief
0770800190- Chief of Small Arms
0770800109 Senior Inspector

Any of these numbers will help u out incase of danger.

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