Over Chinese Brutality against Africans in China, House Summons Foreign Minister Gbezohngar Findley


Over Chinese Brutality against Africans in China, House Summons Foreign Minister Gbezohngar Findley

By: S. Winston Blyden, Sr.

IPNews-Monrovia: The People’s Republic of China risk facing diplomatic crisis and international isolation with many African nations after reports emerged of alleged coronavirus house-to-house searches across China.

The alleged brutality against African living in China has now sparked widespread anger across the African continent with some countries recalling their Ambassadors to China for consultation.

African Students and expatriates in the Southeastern Chinese City of Guangzhou were last week, allegedly subjected to force coronavirus testing and arbitrary 14-days of self-quarantined, regarded of recent travel history, amid heightened fears of imported infections with report that large numbers of Africans were also left homeless, after being evicted by landlords and rejected by hotels in the city.

But over the status of Liberian students and entrepreneurs, members of the House of Representatives have requested the appearance of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gbezohngar Findley.

The communication from Montserrado County District #1, Lawrence Morris said such news coming in from China is ridiculous and must be addressed by the legislature and as direct representative of the people.

“we cannot sit and watch our people suffer, but to plead with you all to summon the Minister of Foreign Affairs Minister, Gbezohngar Findley to intervene immediately including ascertaining the facts behind the reports and bring the situation under control.” Rep. Morris said in his communication.

According to him, he is particularly concerned over the reports of Liberians in China of constantly complaining of living under extreme intimidation from their Chinese counterparts over fear of the reemergence of the virus in African communities, adding that it is troubling news.

Rep. Morris said Liberians welfare is important and as such, Minister Findley needs to use his diplomatic mission to clearly understand what is situation and to have it resolved.

He said Liberia citizens need to be protected no matter their distance from Liberia “whether abroad, there must be in a safe condition and as a government, we need to protect our citizens in country and away.”

However, Minister Findley is expected to appear before the plenary of the House of Representatives on Thursday,April 23, of this week to provide update on the status of Liberians living in China, amidst reports of African, including Liberians, being marginalized by Chinese in China.

2 thoughts on “Over Chinese Brutality against Africans in China, House Summons Foreign Minister Gbezohngar Findley”

  1. Dr. James Y. Hunder, Sr.

    Hon. Lawrence Morris of District # 1, Montserrado county, I applaud your concern and initiative communicated in your letter on behalf of Liberians residing in China. I’m eager to know Foreign Minister Findley’s findings and proposals for amicable ways forward in Liberia-China’ relations.

  2. All we pray for is Show us the Love and protection we deserve as we are the next generation of this Noble Nation called Liberia.

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