Liberia’s 1st COVID-19 patient out of Treatment Wall; Receives Certificate


Liberia’s 1st COVID-19 patient out of Treatment Wall; Receives Certificate

IPNews-Monrovia: Liberia’s first COVID-19 case, Nathaniel T. Blama, has survived from the worlds most deverstating pandemic as experts termed his recovery as ‘God’s doing’.

Hon. Blama was duly certificated along with three others at the Bless One treatment center in Marshall city, lower Margibi county.

Blama thank God foe his recovery and thank all Liberians, including members of the Liberia National Union-LINU, that kept him in their prayers.

It may be recalled, on March 16,2020, the government of Liberia officially recorded it’s first of the coronavirus (COVID-19)

The government of Liberia in a release issued stated that the “Liberian health authorities have informed President George M. Weah that the country has recorded its first case of the Coronavirus disease, otherwise known as COVID -19.

According to the release the patient is Nathaniel Blama, head of the Environmental Protection Agency, who returned home Friday, March 13, 2020 following a visit to Switzerland.

In accordance with the new development, the Liberian leader addressed the nation within an hour,  at 10 a.m (March 16) announcing important new measures that the government took by measures to curtail further transmission.

The government than urges all to remain calm as health officials continue to trace all those the infected person came in contact with, as well as quarantine them for the incubation period of the virus.

Minutes after the president’s address to the nation, the government of Liberia announced that it will no longer accept VIP passage for senior government officials at various airports in Liberia, especially the Roberts International Airport.

Information Minister Eugene Nagbe speaking at a late evening MICAT Press briefing held at the Ministry of Health, stated that henceforth the government of Liberia has instructed all officials of government whether in the Executive, Legislative or Judiciary breaches of government to conformed to all screening protocols and standards at all ports of entry throughout the Republic of Liberia.

The government is at the same time warns all public officials that violators of these restrictions will be arrested and prosecuted in keeping with the public health law of Liberia.

Minister Nagbe stated that President George Manneh Weah has also instructed all security apparatus throughout the country and those at the RIA to ensure the mandate is fully adhere to in keeping with Liberia’s public health law.

Minister Nagbe further lauded the support of the Liberian media in the fight against COVId-19 and call them to do more in bridging the negative comments which undermines the intend of all in eliminating the COVID-19 from Liberia.

The government of Liberia furthermore encouraged all within its borders to continue the preventive steps provided by health authorities and it’s partners as the surest way of preventing the coronavirus.

In what was rather an unusual mood, Liberia’s information minister blasted at those he calls “crazy people”, to refrain from many derogatory and reckless comments which undermines the government and it’s partners commitment to ensuring the COVID-19 for not spread further .

” Whether you are an official of government working in the Executive or the Legislature,making reckless and derogatory comments to undermine the fight against this Coronavirus, we will arrest you and we challenge you to come back with and make such comments”. Minister Nagbe stated in an apperrent reference to District No. 10 Representative Yekeh Kolubah.

It may be recalled, Representative Yekeh Kolubah at a meeting with members of district 10, made comments that the government of Liberia was lying to its citizens about the coronavirus.

Minister Nagbe Challenged the Monteerrado lawmaker to reiterate same and he shall arrested and face the full weight of the law.

He further warned Liberians to listen to public health officials and not people he called “small minded individuals”, to persuade them from the professional advice provided by government and it’s partners in stopping the further spread of the coronavirus.

For her part, Health Minister, Dr Whillimena Jallah, thanked both local and international partners for their support during the response efforts of the COVID-19.

Minister Jallah extended special gratitude to President George Manneh Weah and the government of Liberia, including the muti-sectorial approach so far in combating the spread of the coronavirus.

She called the media to partner with the ministry and the public health institute and partners in metigating further spread of the coronavirus since it’s first case was discovered four days ago.

Also speaking was the Acting Director General of the Public health institute, Dr. Mosoka Fallah, provided updates on the response efforts of the COVID-19.

Dr. Fallah reported that the two cases in isolation were responding to treatment and are being observed.

He also reported the contact tracing efforts was able to tracked 124 contacts of the first patient , with 24 of teh contacts at high risk.

Liberia’s trained epidemiologist stated that out of the 24 high risk persons, 17 have been tested and found to be negstive, while the remaining are being tested for the COVID-19.

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