Rep. J. Fonati Koffa Wants Gov’t Settle Media Debts


Rep. J. Fonati Koffa Wants Gov’t Settle Media Debts

IPNews-Monrovia: As debates surrounding President George Weah stimulus package intensifies amidst the State-of-Emergency (SOE), Grand Kru County District #2 Rep. J. Fonati Koffa has joined the advocacy for the settlement of debts to the Liberian media.

Rep. Koffa said ‘if media debt owed by government are paid, it will help media owners to pay their workers in these tough times of the coronavirus’.

According to Rep. Koffa, President Weah declaration of the SOE is much more important to contained the spread of the virus but those working for various media institutions need to be paid as a means of encouraging them to propagate the awareness and sensitization messages against the spread of the virus.
“Lets ensure media debt payment is considered in the President’s stimulus package.” Rep. Koffa pleaded with his colleagues.

Cllr. Koffa who is one of the major front liners to solicit the necessary signatures which is expected to see the resolution sail through said despite several disagreements from some lawmakers, yet he was hopeful the day the House of Representatives will get the two third necessary signatures to approve the emergency stimulus package of the State-of-Emergency (SOE).

He said as part of the lobbying process, session were being held while signatures are were still being gathered.
Rep. Koff: “Freedom of speech has several components. While soliciting signatures in the midst of ongoing session is a legislative lobbying power and it is another freedom of speech which is validated by a lawmaker signing a resolution which he don’t necessarily have to partake in deliberation”

During the debate, several lawmakers extolled President Weah for his stance to declare the SOE but said other issues including the welfare of health workers and salary payment of civil servants were not captured in the President’s communication.
It may be recalled, President Weah stimulus package highlights priority to the supply of electricity, water and the distribution of food during the SOE period.

But most of the Lawmaker argued that why should US$4m be urgently paid to the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC), for arrears payment and not to the Health Sector which is in urgent need for support.

“the health sector should have being considered instead of the LEC, in fact all of our health sector are out of essential drugs, now there is nothing in the package for health sector and salary payment.” Rep. Sowobah stated.

According to him, the execution of the SOE is something that cannot be overemphasized as it is in the best interest of the country as a means of containing and minimizing the high risk and spread of the coronavirus.

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