Liberia COVID-19 fight: “Do not Individualize COVID-19 fight”, Sen. PYJ tells Pres. George Weah


Liberia COVID-19 fight: “Do not Individualize COVID-19 fight”, Sen. PYJ tells Pres. George Weah

By: S. Winston Blyden

IPNews-Monrovia: Nimba County Senator Prince Johnson calls for the destruction of billboards bearing the image of President George Weah in the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic in Liberia

Senator Johnson told the Senate plenary on yesterday,Wednesday,April 15, that ‘it is disappointing for the Liberian Leader to individualize the fight against the coronavirus’, adding that, ‘to defeat the virus requires a holistic approach’.

According to the Nimba County Senator, coronavirus disease which is killing people around the world must not be considered as an individual project as been demonstrated by President Weah.

During the deliberations, some Senators called for more benefits to be given to health care workers as well as improve the health sector, which they claimed will fight the virus.

Some of the Senators craved the body’s plenary to invite the Ministry of Finance, Liberia Electricity Corporation, Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation to clearly outline how they intend to proceed with the president’s declared state of emergency.

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