Liberia COVID-19 Fight: Pres. Weah Submits State Emergency Packages


Liberia COVID-19 Fight: Pres. Weah Submits State Emergency Packages

By S. Winston Blyden

IPNews-Monrovia: Amidst the State of Emergency (SOE),imposed by the government of Liberia for crackdown on further spread of the COVID-19 Pandemic, President George Manneh Weah has submitted to the Legislature several relieving packages for their consideration.

In his communication to the Legislature, President Weah recommends that government remits US$4m to the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) for the supply of free electricity in Montserrado County, noting that the amount is one of the largest electricity single Payments on government’s electricity bill.

He said the amount is to fund a COVID-19 electricity programs submitted by the Management of the LEC.

“I propose to the Honorable that the government takes up the electricity bill of households in the affected counties for the duration of the State of Emergency (SOE) currently in place.

“I propose a similar support for the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC).” Pres. Weah recommended.

According to President Weah,call members of that August body to consider similar package for market women and small informal petty traders’, such as a bank loan programs.

The Liberia leader stated that it has become evidently clear that several market women and small informal petty traders, who have loans with commercial banks and other creditors will suffer significantly from the loss of number of selling and trading days occasioned by the stay-at-home order.

The Liberian leader said the government is working with leaders and stakeholders to show understanding to vulnerable borrowers.

In this direction, Dr. Weah proposed to the Legislature that government fully pay loans owed by market women and petty and small traders in affected counties as part of the requested budgetary reallocation.

On government domestic debt program, President Weah maintained that as mentioned in his Annual Message in January of this year, the Liberian government owes a large stock of domestic debt spanning, more than a decade.

He said the government has reached a consensus with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) under its support program that the payment of domestic arrears owed vendors and suppliers of government should be of high priority amid COVID-19’s impact on the economy in the form of economic stimulus.

In the communication,Pres. Weah said he has provided both facts and circumstances surrounding the declaration of the state of emergency and the programs that addresses the social and economic issues arising from the declaration.

2 thoughts on “Liberia COVID-19 Fight: Pres. Weah Submits State Emergency Packages”

  1. The proposal by the President is very commendable. Covid 19 pandemic is a wake up call to all the countries that health is one of the most important social pillar. The Government’s proposal for immediate response is very important. However, long term vision is of equal importance, especially having the infrastructure and capacity building of health professionals, which takes years of training. We all should unite and be a part of solution.
    Dinesh Shukla
    American International University West Africa

  2. Klonnious Blamo

    The proposal sounds good and I think its well intentioned. However, the reality could be farfetch and may not serve it’s intended purpose. Ordinary market women who are the real targets may not benefit.
    In my view, government needs to first consider paying civil servants atleast three months advance. Having done that, government needs to ask private companies to also pay their employees atleast two months advance. This will put money in the hands of people, and being the kind of people Liberians are, one way or the other the money will trigger down. When money is in the hands of people, government can now consider individual or family heads support as next step

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