COVID-19 lockdown: Criminals Parades As LNP Officers …But LNP 102 Apprehends One


COVID-19 lockdown: Criminals Parades As LNP Officers …But LNP 102 Apprehends One

By: S. Winston Blyden

IPNEws-Monrovia: As the state of emergency takes effect, there are several criminals purporting to be members of the Liberia National (LNP), thereby wearing LNP paraphernalia in various communities intimidating and harassing peaceful citizens in the name of enforcing the state of emergency.

IPNews on yesterday, April 12, 2020 tracked in the Bellema Community on the freeway when Deputy Commissioner for operation at the LNP, Marvin Sackor and his team came across a gentleman identified as Philips S. David who was harassing fula national identified as Mohanned Sow.

According to Mr. Sow he was stopped and demanded by Philip David who identified himself to be an officer of the Liberia Nation Police and a member of the joint security assigned on the Bushrod Island to implement the order by the president.

While harassing the Fula nationals, Deputy Commissioner for operation at the LNP, Marvin Sackor and his team arrived apprehending purported policeman.

Minutes into the arrest, IPNews was on the spot and managed to get an interview with Deputy Commissioner Sackor.

in the interview, Deputy Commissioners Sackor stated that upon his arrival to the scene he was informed by Philip who was wearing LNP paraphernalia that he was a officer of the Liberia Nation Police but when quiz further it was established that he is not a officer of the LNP.

Deputy Commander sackor narrated that David informed him that the paraphernalia was given to him by his brother Exodus Johnson who is the commander of the Kpeko Police.

Commissioner Sackor said the action by the officer Exodus Johnson runs contrary to the ethics of the Liberia National Police and disciplinary actions awaits him in accordance with the rule of law.

He however clarified that the joint security is only comprises of the LNP, AFL, EPS and the Immigration who are expected to enforce the state of the emergence.

However, the LNP 102 is calling on peaceful citizens to request a valid identification card from any officers who may have gone to enforce the president’s order.

Deputy Commissioner Sackor said not all wearing LNP uniform should be considered member of the force, adding that those impersonating are doing so at their own risk and when caught will be dealt with.

According to him, those parading in various streets during these critical times are implicating hard working officers of the LNP Which will be resisted at all level regardless of your status.

The LNP 102 averred that members of the LNP will not leave no stone untouched in weaving out criminals from the streets in these critical times of the country, adding that the LNP will not rest in implementing the President’s order.

2 thoughts on “COVID-19 lockdown: Criminals Parades As LNP Officers …But LNP 102 Apprehends One”

  1. Arthur R.Tucker

    Good news! The Police needs to be more vigilant and parade some of those communities that are accessible in order to weed out unscrupulous people in the society.

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