COVID-19 Response: Pharmaceuticals Importers & Wholesales Ass. Donates huge medical supplies

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COVID-19 Response: Pharmaceuticals Importers & Wholesales Ass. Donates huge medical supplies

IPNews-Monrovia: The Pharmaceuticals Importerd and Wholesales Association in Liberia (PIWAL),has donated huge medical and non-medical supplies to the Ministry of Health, to assist in the response efforts of the COVID-19.

Making the donation on behalf of PIWAL, the Executive member and chief Executive Officers of the Lucky Pharmacy, Sam Jhaminani, stated that the essential drugs and sanitisation materials is to butress government’s efforts,particularly the Ministry of Health and the National Public Health Institute-NPHIL.

Mr. Jhamnani, stated that PIWAL was confident that the support will enhance the response efforts of COVID-19, and returned Liberia to zero case level by the collective prayers of the Almighty God.
“We pray Almighty that we together will fight against the COVID-19 pandemic to minimise the damage and save lives of our citizens and residents.” Mr. Jhamnani prayed.

For her part, Health Minister, Dr. Wilhemina Jallah, lauded the donation with emphasis that the Government of Liberia and the COVID-19, response was very glad to receive the donation by PIWAL, during one of the difficult moments of the country history.
Dr. Jallah stated that the donation has brought smiles on the face if health workers and people at various quarantine centers who are in serious need of the items provided.

She said Liberia, especially the medical sector needs much more attention during this time of COVID-19, due its huge economic challenge it brings.

Those items donated includes: CC syinges with needles, gauge, luckytol antiseptic liquid, lucky alcohol 50%, luck family toothpaste 50gms, examination gloves, dove shower gel, vitamin C tabs 350MG, ringer lactste, dextrose 5%, Normal saline, medical midisoft soap,metronidazole iv, Dracof cough syrup, Diclofec plus pain table, Morxone-ceftriaxone inj 1gm, Cannulas ,Hospitals bed USI, Amoxycillin, Syringes with needles, Azithromycin 250mg tabs, ciprofloxacin iv , tubling dripline, Bactriaxone-ceftraiaxone 1gm inj, Clorax liquid, Paracetamol iv, Amoxycillin 250mg caps, Blood sugar testing set, Infra red thermometer, Sheckold tablets, Relief tabs (Analgesic), Cold and hot water dispenser,Hospital bed material, be safe alchol 70%, plastic buckets with facets 20L, MBC tissue, Aqua life mineral water, and Nilsuge tile soap.

It may be recalled, the PIWAL in December 2019, donated huge drugs supplies and motorbikes to the ministry of Health .

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