“Shout down Monrovia now!” Hott Pepper Newspaper Publisher calls on Pres. George Weah


“Shout down Monrovia now!” Hott Pepper Newspaper Publisher calls on Pres. George Weah

IPNews-Monrovia: The publisher the Hott Pepper Newspaper, Philipbert S Browne, is calling for urgent shout down of Liberia’s capital Monrovia, amidst increment of the COVID-19 cases in Monrovia.

Mr Browne in an open letter to his Excellency,President George Manneh Weah,expressed concerns that if an immediate shout down of Monrovia home to an approximately, 2 million persons could interrupt further spread of the COVID-19, which has seen a height in recent days.

“I have the esteemed honor most respectfully to present my compliments, and request through this medium, for your consideration in locking down Montserrado County for two weeks, to curtail the spread of the Coronavirus.”

Mr. President, I am seriously concerned about the reported increase in the transmission of the Coronavirus in our country. Each new caseload further complicates the worsening situation and challenges our capacity to adequately respond. No doubt, each confirmed case is associated with new difficulties to conclusively determine the sources of the transmission, trace all contacts, and treat the infected.” Philipbert S Browne, insisted.

The Hott pepper publisher also stated that the shout down of the capital for 14 days would curtail further spread of the virus given experiences on the rapid spread the virus nearly a month ago in many European countries.

Browne: ” I am kindly requesting Sir, that you lock down Montserrado County for at least 14 days to curtail the spreading of this virus any further.

Mr. President, one month ago, Germany, Spain, France, South Africa, Italy, Iran and the United States were just where we are currently. If they had taken the necessary precautionary measures, many innocent lives would have been saved. Fortunately for us, providence is on our side allowing us, and placing us in the position, to learn from the mistakes of others. Please Mr. President, a stitch in time saves nine.”

The experienced pen-pusher used the medium to call on President Weah to see reason to pay at least on month salary to civil servants before the shout down is instituted.
“Mr. President, I know that times are hard especially with the economic downturn in our country which is also unique to the world. Sir, I hope it is not too much to ask that you kindly pay Civil Servants at least one month salary before the lock down to enable them purchase the necessity to keep them indoors.”

“Mr. President, it will be unfair and ungrateful not to say many thanks to you, and your health team, for the management of the health crisis so far. However, with our poor health care delivery system, if you do not act fast and urgently as these numbers are increasing, we may all be doomed.”

“Mr. President, as we look up to the Almighty God for your guidance, protection and that of the Republic, we are aware that you are God’s anointed President through whom God’s will for the Republic will be manifested.”

He encouraged president Weah to remain committed to the oath to protect and defend the country as demonstrated and call on him to continue by ensuring all Liberians are safe.

“Sir, you are our leader and the President of the Republic, our lives and the survival of the Republic lies squarely on your shoulders. I hope and pray that the Almighty God strengthens your resolve to do the necessary things to keep your people safe and out of harm’s way.” Philipbert S Browne, statement concludes.

1 thought on ““Shout down Monrovia now!” Hott Pepper Newspaper Publisher calls on Pres. George Weah”

  1. The issues of lock down won’t be a help to any Liberian most especially the poor people!

    What are you doing Personally to help those striving and the less privilege Liberians to be calling for LOOKDOWN?

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