Pres. George Weah Withdraws NEC, & LACC nominations


Pres. George Weah Withdraws NEC, & LACC nominations

IPNews-Monrovia:President George Manneh Weah has withdrawn the nominations of controversial Cllr. Ndubusi Nwabudike, as Chairman, National Elections Commission-NEC and Cllr. Edwin Martin, as chairman of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission-LACC.

According to a communication dated April 2,2020 and address to the President Pro-tempore’, Atty. Albert Chie, obtained by IPNews, president did not cite further reasons for his withdrawal.

It may be recalled in recent weeks there have been overwhelming calls rejection of Cllr. as chairman of the NEC.

The Liberian Senate Committee on Autonomous Agencies and Commissions on yesterday, Tuesday April 1,2020, recommended to the plenary of the Senate five out of six commissioners designate of the National Elections Commission (NEC) to be confirmed

Those recommended for confirmation are Davietta Brown Lassanah, Co-chairaman designate, Barsee Kpangbai, commissioner designate, Josephine Kou Gaye, commissioner designate, Floyd Sayor, commissioner designate and Ernestine Morgan-Awar, commissioner designate.

Recently, President George Manneh Weah nominated six new commissioners at the National Elections Commission (NEC), namely Cllr. Ndubusi Nwabudike, chairman designate, Davietta Brown Lassanah, Co-chairaman designate, Barsee Kpangbia, commissioner designate, Josephine Kou Gaye, commissioner designate, Floyd Sayor, commissioner designate and Ernestine Morgan-Awar, commissioner designate.

The committee’s recommendation was contained in a report filed by to the full plenary of the Liberian Senate which is the highest decision making body.

According to the committee’s report, those recommended for confirmation have met the requisite requirement to serve as commissioners due to their credentials, competence and background checks.

“The committee is convince that the nominees have met the necessary qualifications to serve at the National Elections Commission. After thorough examination and background checks of the nominees records, the committee is convince that the nominees will positively impact the works and integrity of the NEC. Therefore the committee without any reservations recommend to the plenary of the Liberian Senate that the nominees be confirmed,” the committee’s report noted.

The confirmation of these nominees come a day after the committee met with political parties engaging their views on the confirmation of those commissioners designate at the NEC.

Eventhough, several political parties rejected most of those recommended for confirmation, the committee still went ahead to recommend confirmation for those nominees.

Meanwhile, a motion was made by Senator Matthwe Jaye of River Gee County that the committee report be accepted and actions be taken in executive as per the Senate own standing rules.

In a related development, opposition Liberty Party through it’s chairman, Senator Steven Zargo said they strongly reject the confirmation of commissioner designate Floyd Sayor

“Liberty Party four Senators all voted against Floyd Sayor and we have all the good reasons to reject this nominee. You all know the history of this Floyd Sayor guy,” senator Zargo said.

For his part, Senator Abraham Darious Dillon disclosed that the Liberian Senate voted to pass on four out of the five nominees recommended for confirmation, thus, there is an issue with Floyd Syor for which a motion for reconsideration has been filed. Detail on president Weah withdrawal comes in subsequently.

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