Open Rejection? As Senate’s Com’tt Prematurely Adjourned Hearing


Open Rejection? As Senate’s Com’tt Prematurely Adjourned Hearing

IPNews-Monrovia:The Senate Committee on Autonomous Agencies and Commissions Wednesday, April 1, 2020 prematurely adjourned confirmation hearing of the chairman designate of the National Election Commission (NEC), Cllr. Ndubusi Nwabudike on Capitol Hill.

The hearing which has been ongoing for the last three day was unexpectedly brought to an end following series of contradictions discovered by Senators regarding the date of birth of the nominee.

Chairman of the Senate’s committee on Autonomous Agencies and Commissions, Senator Milton Teahjay of Sinoe County angrily brought the hearing to an end saying that the committee has heard enough.

“Mr witness, I think the committee has heard enough. Right now it is clear that there are issues that need to be explored. So the entire committee has agreed that at this point the hearing be ended,” Senator Teahjay voiced.

This came as a result of a line of questions being posted to the witness by Grand Bassa County Senator Jonathan Kaipaye in connection to the witness conflicting date of birth within different documents.

This action by chairman Teahjay is the first of its kind in the history of confirmation hearing at the Liberian Senate.

Since the appointment of this naturalized Nigerian-Liberian, the President and the ruling party have come under huge criticism by the public and opposition political parties in the country.

It can be recalled that the committee even invited political parties to engage their views on what they make of the NEC chairman designate and most of the political parties strongly rejected the confirmation of Cllr. Ndubusi Nwabudike with the ruling party coming in defense.

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