Liberia: For unwarranted flogging of Media personnel, Journalist to stage massive protest Action


Liberia: For unwarranted flogging of Media personnel, Journalist to stage massive protest Action

IPNEWS-MONROVIA: Members of the Press Union of Liberia have unanimously agreed on a four count resolutions to address the increasing wave of attacks against journalists in Liberia.

According to a PUL press release this evening, the four counts include a peaceful assembly this Thursday to call the attention of government and the international community to the unabated wave of attacks against Journalists in Liberia.

The meeting attended by over hundred members of the Union and Auxiliary organizations also agreed to prepare a legal team and investigators for immediate investigation and legal actions against perpetrators of brutality against journalists.

The highest decision making body of the Press Union of Liberia also mandated the Union’s Leadership to be opened to a dialogue with the government and any security-media dialogue to end brutalization of journalists and media workers.

The Union members also mandated the leadership to allow the EPS continue its ongoing investigation on the brutality meted against the media.

The members of the Union further alarmed over the continued brutality, incarceration and intimidation of Journalists.

All Journalists are called to assemble at the Union’s office on Thursday, March 12, 2020 beginning 8am in their White T-Shirts and Blue Jeans for the peaceful assembly.

The petitions will be delivered to the Legislature, Executive Mansion, United States Embassy, European Union, United Nations, Ecowas and Embassy of the United Kingdom to inform them about the attacks against Liberian Journalists.

Meanwhile, thel leadership  of the Reporters Association of Liberia (RAL) says it welcomes and supports the decision reached by the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) members to peacefully gather as means of sending a message to the Liberian government on its securities constant attacks on journalists in the country.

A release understand the signature of RAL secretary general, Mark Mengonfia quotes RAL President Cecelia Clarke as calling on all it’s members to gather at the Headquarters of the Press Union of Liberia office on Clay Street on Thursday, March 12,2020 to participate in a peaceful assembling.
On Monday, the PUL reached a decision at a general membership meeting to write major embassies and as well present a petition to President Georgia.
The group said that the gathering will send a clear message to President George M. Weah led government how painful it is to suffer intimidations, attacks at the hands of state securities.
At the same time, RAL said it is with profound regrets to hear news of the deaths of two journalists, Chris Krote and Augustine Choloplay who passed on the 6 and 9 of this month.
The RAL SG in the release said the deaths sadden them and all journalists in Liberia and has called on the families to take solace in the Lord.
Reporters Association of Liberia is the biggest auxiliary of the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) and it comprises of members from the 15 counties of Liberia.

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