Civil Society makes rallying call for Universal Health Coverage in Liberia


Civil Society makes rallying call for Universal Health Coverage in Liberia

IPNews-Monrovia: A coalition of Liberian civil society organizations has ramping up a campaign to help promote universal health coverage in the West African nation.

A Liberian health advocacy group, Partnership for Sustainable Development launched the campaign in Monrovia recently aimed at promoting universal health coverage in the country.

The head of the Civil Society Network for Universal Health Coverage (CSNUHC) disclosed that the body was established on November 28, 2019 by a group of ten (10) Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).

David Flomo described their establishment as practical step towards championing increased allocation and spending on primary health care for maternal, newborn and child health.

“The project which brought into being this Network, is a health advocacy project geared towards increased health financing and investment in Liberia. The Partnership for Sustainable Development (PaSD) and the SUN Civil Society Alliance of Liberia (SUNCSAL) are currently implementing the program funded by a UK-based pharmaceutical company, Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) through Save the Children International”, disclosed Flomo.

Flomo added that their advocacy is anchored in calls for increased national budget allocation to maternal, sexual, reproductive health and rights programs.

“We seek to push for and advocate for reform and enforcement of Health sector and other policies that will improve maternal, newborn, sexual and reproductive health and rights governance and services.” Flomo outlined.

Flomo also said their vision is to have a Liberia where primary health care is the most inclusive, effective and efficient approach to enhance people’s physical and mental health, ensure healthy lives and wellbeing for all at all ages .

He noted that ensuring universal health coverage is an important element for poverty reduction in Liberia.

“Donors should further support low-income countries like Liberia, to bridge significant finance gaps.  The international community should support Liberia to grow its fiscal space by tackling undermining practices like tax evasion and avoidance, among others.”

Liberia’s Deputy Health Minister for Policy and Planning  George P. Jacobs praised the civil society network for the initiative ;describing it as being well within in the vision of the Ministry of Health to ensure access to quality healthcare services for all citizens.

“This move accentuates the vision of heath care as marked in the government’s pro-poor agenda for prosperity and development (PAPD) “

The Chairmen of the House Standing Committee on Health, Joseph Somwarb commended the initiative to boost the healthcare delivery in Liberia.

We can assure that path you are trekking will get the support of the House of Representatives. We {Lawmakers} stand for better and quality services for our people “, Representative Somwarb intoned.

The initiative is also being supported by Safe the Children UK. Its communications officer George Bardue pledged his institution commitment to efforts aimed at actualizing universal health coverage.

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