‘Move or Be Removed’ Unity Partisans Tell Chairman Paye


‘Move or Be Removed’ Unity Partisans Tell Chairman Paye

IPNews-Monrovia: Creditable information reaching this paper has it that the former ruling Unity Party chairman, Wilmot Pay has been asked to resign or he be removed at all cost.

According to our sources who confided in this paper but begged not to be named said that Chairman Paye has been asked by the various counties chairpersons and some higher-ups within the party to resign but he has since refused.

Though our sources did not clearly state the cause for the UP’s chairman removal or resignation, but pointed out that it is as result of the party’s chairman recent actions on the national stage.

It can be recalled, during the just ended Council of Patriots (COP) December 6, 2020 protest, chairman Paye called on all UP Partisans, well wishes and sympathizers to stay away from the protest a statement that was countered by the youth chairman of the Unity Party.

Also, former President Ellen Johnson  Sirleaf, following her remittance into the party after being expelled at the end of the 2017 elections in the country, she called for the restructuring of the party’s leadership excluding the standard.

Our sources furthered that there would be a mass executive meeting today, January 21, 2020 at the party’s headquarters at 4:00pm during which time they would vote to remove chairman Paye.

“Today at 4:00pm  we will be removing our party’s chairman, Wilmot Paye. All the counties chairpersons have asked him to resign but he has since refused and we have gotten the require signatures to effect his removal as chairman,” our sources hinted.

Meanwhile, when contacted chairman Paye via mobile phone, he told this paper that at no point in time was he asked to resigned but confirmed that there would be a meeting today held at the party’s headquarters but not for his removal.

“That information regarding my removal or resignation is not true. There will be a meeting today at the party’s headquarters and it’s one of the regular party’s meeting but not for my removal,” chairman Paye said.

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