Veep Taylor Expected Back To Work Soon -Senator Teahjay Discloses


Veep Taylor Expected Back To Work Soon -Senator Teahjay Discloses


IPNews-Monrovia: Amidst speculations that Liberia’s Vice President, Jewel Howard Taylor may boycott the 3rd State of the Nation Address scheduled for next Monday, over lack of logistical support; a member of the Liberian Senate, Senator Milton Teahjay, has informed Legislative Reporters that the Liberian Vice President is expected back to normal duties very soon.

It is exactly one week since the official opening of the 3rd Session of the 54th National Legislature and Vice President Taylor is yet to show up on Capitol Hill as President of the Liberian Senate, where her official office is situated.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with legislative reporters, the Sinoe County lawmaker said concerns raised by Vice President Taylor has been addressed by authorities of Ministry of Finance and Development Planning.

Senator Teahjay told newsmen that President George Weah is not in favor of what is happening to Vice President Taylor for preventing her away from her office.

It can be recalled that Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor wrote the Liberian Senate giving reason for boycotting program marking the opening of the Third Session of the 54th Legislature this gone Monday.

In her letter, she said, “Honorable President Pro-Tempore and Members of the Liberian Senate, I am constrained to write this letter to inform you of the continuing and seemingly intentional circumstances surrounding financial obligations due in support of my duties as Vice President of the Republic and President of the Liberian Senate.”

According to her, last year, she had the privilege to meet with members of the Liberian Senate to inform them of the difficulties she was undergoing with some members of the Executive Branch; as it relates to budgetary support for her office and the need for their intervention. 

Vice President Taylor it was agreed that the Liberian Senate would intervene and that things would get better. Unfortunately, she said she has patiently waited without any word, and the situation has since not improved. 

“I am saddened to inform you, as elders of our Nation, that the situation remains that bills due my office from 2018-2019 are still not paid and the operational expenses which I needed for the effective running or functioning of my office (Office of the Vice President of the Republic of Liberia), during 2018 – 2019 and 2019 – 2020 budget years have not been paid,” she decried

The letter read further: “Honorable President Pro-Tempore and Members of the Liberian Senate, this continued situation has left me without the proper security arrangements for my safe movements and without the ability to provide necessities for my office. Currently, the security vehicles, including 2 bullet proof vehicles, needed for my movements have still not been provided to my detail. As a result, I have been unable to leave my home over the past 3 weeks.”

She continued: “I am therefore constrained to inform this Honorable body that due to the constraints described, I am unable to attend to my duties during this opening of the 3rd Session of the 54th National Legislature 2020; until these constraints are attended to.”

She then hoped that “this situation will claim the Senate’s immediate attention and intervention, as she was duly voted into this office and should be empowered to perform her duties as other officials and offices which are being regularly supported; and if such a situation continues to exists, it is her responsibility to inform the Liberian Senate.” 

It can be recalled that during the opening session of the Legislature Monday, the Vice President was conspicuously absent from the program, something that raised concern.

However, the President ProTempore of the Senate, Senator Albert Chie said the Vice President was absent because of an emergency she had.

Meanwhile, Senator Teahjay is calling on President Weah administration to see reason to address issues of national concerns especially issues affecting the Liberian economy instead of calling on Interpol to have Henry Henry Costa arrested.

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