NCCRM Statutory Board Inducted ~ Gov’t Expresses Commitment Financial Support to the National Center


NCCRM Statutory Board Inducted ~ Gov’t Expresses Commitment Financial Support to the National Center

IPNews-Monrovia: The President of Liberia, His Excellency George M. Weah, has charged his Vice President, Chief Dr. Jewel Howard-Taylor, to keep functional the National Center for the Coordination and Response Mechanism (NCCRM) otherwise known as the Early Warning Center.

In his special message delivered on his behalf at the induction ceremonies of the Center, the President requested the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning to make available the needed financial support for the effective functioning of the Center which is currently facing serious financial and logistical challenges.

The comments by President Weah were contained a special statement delivered on his behalf by his Special Envoy Dr. Lawrence K. Bropleh.

Dr. Bropleh quoted President Weah as saying that a proposed legislation to legally establish the Center will shortly be submitted to the Legislature for passage into law.

The Special Envoy to the Liberian Chief Executive spoke Thursday, December 5, 2019, at Center’s main offices in the ECOWAS Compound at a program marking the official induction of members of the Statutory Board which is charged with the responsibility to exercise supervisory control of the Center. By protocol of ECOWAS the Board is chaired by the Vice President Howard-Taylor.

In her inaugural address, VP Howard-Taylor, in recounting the financial constraints faced by the NCCRM, used the occasion to pay special tribute to the visionaries in the sub-regional framework who conceived this peace-building and peace sustaining initiative.

The NCCRM Statutory Board Chairperson expressed the Government’s particular gratitude to His Excellency Babatunde Ajisomo, Special Representative of the President of the ECOWAS Commission in Liberia, for the continued support to the Center.

She indicated that Ambassador Ajisomo is not only a partner member to the Center but a true friend who is greatly helpful to Liberia’s development process.

Lamenting the serious financial constraints facing the Center, VP Howard-Taylor appealed to  the Government and donor partners including United States Embassy and the ECOWAS Commission to increase their assistance in tackling the challenges facing the Center.

Speaking earlier, the Vice President of the ECOWAS Commission, Her Excellency Finda Koroma assured that the Commission takes seriously the activities of the NCCRM, saying that the Commission remains committed to supporting the Center thorough the Commission’s recently approved budget.

Vice President Koroma exercises oversight over the Abuja-based ECOWAS Early Warning Directorate.

The NCCRM is an early warning response mechanism which alerts relevant authorities of any threats to the peace and security of a country, region or the continent.

Also speaking, Director of the Center, Dr. Roland T. Clarke, complained of months of salary arrears which he said has caused mass resignations and stalled the operations of the Center.

Under the Agreement that established the NCCRM, the Government of Liberia is responsible to provide operational funds while the United States Embassy through ECOWAS is to provide salary for the period of two more years.

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