“Your skills and assiduity are important Elements for Advancement”, Amos Lodge No. 10 Master Encourages Brethren


“Your skills and assiduity are important Elements for Advancement”, Amos Lodge No. 10 Master Encourages Brethren

IPNews-Monrovia: The newly installed Worshipful Master of Amos Lodge No. 10, of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, St. John River City, Grand Bassa County, is encouraging Brethren of his Lodge to continue the advancement of Amos Lodge No. 10, through the ‘skills and assiduity’.

Worshipful Master John Bettie Gizea, 320, stated that the advancement of Amos Lodge No.10, as the primer Lodge within the jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Liberia is depended on the continuous exercise of the skills and diligence of all Brothers of the Lodge in caring for the Widows and Orphans, including their Masonic obligations.

Worshipful Brother Bettie Gizea said the success, honor, reputation, and usefulness of Amos Lodge No. 10, will also materially depend on the skills and assiduity of each and every member of this Lodge.

“I will therefore reach out to every Brother, keep harmony and transparency in all our undertakings and encourage the exchange of ideas and honest opinions.” Worshipful Master John Bettie Gizea told Masons at well attended installation ceremony held at the Grand Masonic Temple West Benson Street.

As part of achieving continuous successes and harmony within the bounds of Amos Lodge and Craft Masonry in Liberia, Worshipful Master Bettie-Gizea said his ‘trestle Board’ or plans for the ensuing rewarding Masonic year 2020, includes the following:

  • Continue Charity Works in St. John River City with emphasis to the St John River Clinic. I believe we need to do more this year by giving the clinic a face lift and providing medical supplies and instruments.
  • Perform Annual Beach Jamboree on March 15 to raise the amount of $US20, 000 as needed funds to carry out our charity works.
  • Perform quarterly Fellowship events to strengthen the bonds of love and friendship amongst Brothers and award hard working Brothers and the family (particularly wife, widow and in certain cases children or child) of Brothers of Amos Lodge No.10 for the supportive role they continue to play.
  • Amend and update the By-laws by end of 1st
  • Ensure sick and distressed worthy Brothers are visited and care for during the time of distress.
  • Raise at least three new Master Masons
  • Average $US1000 received in dues, obligation and contribution at each Communication

Worshipful Master Bettie Gizea, further promised to govern with love and justice to ensure absolute peace and harmony.

He extended a renewed hand of friendship to all subordinate Lodges within the Grand jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge in the interest to strengthen amity.

Importantly, Worshipful Master John Bettie Gizea pledged Amos Lodge No. 10, unflinching loyalty and support to the Grand Master and the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Liberia.

Worshipful Master Gizea: “ I like to begin by extending my thanks and appreciation to the Great Architect of the Universe for his bountiful blessings, to my family for their support and love and to the Brethren of Amos Lodge No. 10 for bestowing this honor of electing me as Worshipful Master;”

Furthermore, Worshipful Master, John Bettie Gizea, recounted the many sacrifices of Worshipful Master since the establishment of Amos Lodge No. 10, in St. John River City and prayed for the souls in the celestial Lodge above.

“Since the formation of Amos Lodge No.10, many notable men have served as Master and brought honor and integrity to our Lodge. As the thirty-fifth Worshipful Master, servant-hood and charity will be the hallmark of my office;

“Now that I have the duty of leading the Lodge from the East, I am responsible to have the zeal to promote the principles inculcated by our Ancient Order.” Worshipful Master, John Bettie Gizea said.

Additionally, he expressed heartfelt thanks and appreciation to his installing Master, and immediate past Master, Edward L. Sharpe, 32 0, for his tremendous contribution and loyalty to Amos Lodge and other Masonic bodies, including his installing Marshall , Past Master Karl R. Smith, 320, for a splendid performance.

Moreover, he lauded the father-ship of other Past Master,including James A.A. Pierre, 320, Eden C. Reeves, 330, Wil Bako Freeman, 330; Curitus R. Findley, 320, and Past Master Francis B.S. Johnson.

Amos Lodge No.10 annual charity in Fortesville, St. John River City, Grand Bassa County, last year saw the dedication of by Most Worshipful Brother James E. Pierre, 33° Reading Room at the Fortesville Elementary, Jr and Sr High school, in collaboration with KEEP (with the wonderful Brenda Brewer Moore); Donated of farming implements to farmers at the United Baptist Church, Fortesville and donated of medicines at the St. John Clinic.

Amos Lodge No. corp of officers for 2019/2020 are:

Wor. Bro. John Bettie Gizea,320, Worshipful Master;Bro.  Roland S. Carey, Senior Warden; Bro. Julius T. Johnson, 320,Junior Warden; Bro. Gbehzohngar Milton Findley, 320, Treasurer, Bro. Chester A. Smith,Sr., Assistant Treasurer; and Bro. Witness Doyen, Secretary; Others include Bro. Rannie Williams, Senior Deacon; Bro. Isaac C. Woods, Organist; Bro. Borbor Brooks, Tyler, Fulkra Mason, Junior Deacon; and Bro. Wendell Reeves, Chaplain.

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