ANC Rejects Pres. Weah Step Down Campaign; Says Protest rather than Step down


ANC Rejects Pres. Weah Step Down Campaign; Says Protest rather than Step down

IPNews-Monrovia – The opposition Alternative National Congress of  former COCOLA executive Alexander Cummings, has rejected pronouncement by the Council of Patroit for a ‘Cllr. signed by its national Secretary General Weah setp down campaign’ on December 31st.

ANC in a release Aloysious Toe , stated that while it will continue to support peaceful protests as when necessary, as it did the June 7 Protest organized by the Council of Patriot, ‘it is not in favor of anyone calling for President George Manneh Weah to step down’.

The ANC statement also said that the party believes that a protest is in the best interest of the people, it will support it overwhelmingly.

“The ANC however expressed its opposition to plans wishes to re-emphasize its commitment to the CPP and will continue to work with the CPP and other democratic forces in protecting the rights of the Liberian people,” the party said.

It may be recorded, the The Council of Patriots –COP, under the slogan, ‘Save the State” says, it will hold mass demonstration across the country, to demand for the immediate resignation of president Weah.

COP disclosed that the second wave of protest is due to the failure by the government of President George Mananeh Weah, to ahead to terms listed in their petition presented to his office and circulated to the Media on June 12, 2019.

In a Press release issued late Monday evening, September 24, 2019, COP stated that since its previous protest held on June 7th, 2019, bringing together Liberians from all walks of life to draw the government of Liberia attention to the woeful economic and political situation in the Country, the government has not responded adequately to those concerns.

COP release noted that their petition to the Weah’s administration was in demand of swift response on key matters of political and economic governance , which the government has failed to address even after three months following the submission of their petition.

COP: “We submitted on June 12,2019, a petition statement to President Weah, in which we made demands for action, swift and otherwise, on key matters of Political and economic governance , but after 3 months of waiting in vain and witnessing a badly worsening economy attended by increasing hardship and poverty, we have concluded that President George Weah doesn’t care about the wellbeing of the Liberian people and has elected not to act on our demands.”

The COP release further, that its decision to stage a mass protest come December, followed careful deliberations and weighing of all options under the law of Liberia. “Now therefore, we the Council of Patriots having met, deliberated and weighted all of our options under the law, do hereby announce and declare a nationwide, nonstop peaceful protest to demand the unconditional resignation of President George Manneh Weah as President of Liberia. The protest shall begin on Monday, December 30th and continue unabated until President Weah steps down. We are tired and can no longer accept to live under these harsh and unfair conditions brought on by his incompetence and insensitive behavior.” Cop statement concluded.

The ANC release has now sent surprise in the wake of recent statement by the ANC that is committed to the agenda of the collaborating political parties to democratically unseat the George Weah’s administration come 2023.

Recently the CPP comprising four opposition political parties, namely the .ANC, Unity Party, All Liberian Party and the Liberty Party, were rocked in series of accusation pointing to plans by the ANC to undermine the success and agenda of the CPP, but the ANC vehemently rejected that claim.

With this statement from the ANC, political observers are suggesting that the CPP might just be ending its collaboration as predicted by many.


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