PUL Election: Octavin Williams, Vows To Establish Liberia’s First Independent Radio Station When Elected


PUL Election: Octavin Williams, Vows To Establish Liberia’s First Independent Radio Station When Elected

Octavin Toegar Williams’ campaign team has announced the establishment of Liberia’s lone independent radio when elected President in the ensuing Press Union of Liberia election slated for 9th December 2019. Last time Liberia had one of such was several years ago when Star Radio was alive.

#TeamOctavin said the entity will be dubbed PUL Radio and will bring together Liberia’s brightest minds in the media to handle issues of integrity, honesty and fairness at all levels.

At the same time, the team has also announced the establishment of a printing press to ease the huge cost publishers go through to published daily, amidst limited funding to the Liberian media which has caused many media institutions, particularly print to either shutdown or never to return to the news stand after one publication.

Octavin Williams has been Vice president of the Press Union, for a little over three years but was suspended for  for 14 months for his stance on how the Press Union of Liberia has been handle issues affecting Journalist by current by President Charles Coffey.

It may be recorded, PUL President Chares Coffey hailed government for its recent closure of Roots FM 102.7, owned and operated by popular talk-show host Henry Costa.

Coffey outburst has sent mix givens across Liberia, with many expressing displeasure over comments attributed to the President of the Press Union, who is ought to support free speech and freedom of the press.

Unconfirmed reports suggest that Coffey, consented to the closure of Roots FM by the government of Liberia on grounds that the station was in violation of the country’s telecommunication act which requires all to be register but Roots FM owner and talk show host Henry Costa, has vehemently rejected all claims by government stating that his institution was being targeted because of it stands on key national issues as corruption and transparency under the George Weah

Octavin Williams comes from a strong independent media background as an employee of Catholic run Radio Veritas where he fought for press freedom, media independence amongst others.

He and other colleagues were amongst few journalists who stood firm when journalist Darlington Pelenah of Kings FM/Clar TV was imprisoned on frivolous armed robbery charges. His persistence engagement of former Presidents Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s government led to the freedom Pelenah nearly after spending nine months in jail at the Monrovia Central Prison.

Additionally, Octavin’s advocacy and critical reporting on issues in the country by his Nation Times Newspaper cannot be overemphasized, including but not limited to the unearthing corruption on Capitol Hill, particularly the House of Senate which led to the removal of Senate Pro-Tempore Isaac Nyenabo; the Money laundering scam by now imprisoned Cassel Kon,former Vice President of the Liberia Football Association by U.S. Home Security, the Musa Bility FIFA scandal among others are few of the outstanding professional investigation carried out by Journalist Octavin Williams.

Furthermore, Octavin Williams has also been to jail for his stance on key state actors who misuse the public trust making him to be the favorite candidate in the ensuing election as journalists remain at a crossroad on who to trust with their noble institution.

The wanton disregard for free press, journalists disrespected and some media houses unable to open has led to the union’s membership wanting a tougher leader with media struggle history who can engage national government to continue the path of encouraging free press at all times and respect for the rule of law.

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