Health Minister Calls for Collective Efforts to Move Liberia Forward …As USAID Turns over Four Trucks to MOH


Health Minister Calls for Collective Efforts to Move Liberia Forward …As USAID Turns over Four Trucks to MOH

IPNews-Monrovia: As a way of improving the Health Sector, Liberia’s Health Minister, Dr. Whilemina Jallah has called on her compatriots to collectively work together in moving the sector forward for its quality service delivery system.

According to a Health Ministry release, Dr. Jallah, receiving keys of Cargo trucks valued at US$400,000.00 from US Ambassador accredited to Liberia, Christine Elder, at the Ministry of Health’s Central Medicine Store in Caldwell on yesterday, Tuesday, October 15, 2019, stated that the best way to develop a nation is when the citizenry work with collaboration and patriotism coupled with sincerity.

Jallah then encouraged medical data collectors and data entry personnel across the country to send their entries on time so that information can return to the Ministry’s supply unit so the CMS can immediately use them to process new drugs.

“We encourage all of our health care workers to work together in moving the sector forward, especially our data collectors who are responsible for information dissemination to be speedy in sharing data with the CMS so as to avoid the news of drugs shortage,” she urged.

The Liberian Health Minister called on Liberians to serve as ombudsmen, as the ministry embarks on the distribution of drugs throughout the country, “because they are the direct beneficiaries.”

Dr. Jallah used the occasion to thank the Government and people of the United States for their assistance to the Liberia health sector and said her Ministry will ensure that the trucks presented by Ambassador Elder are used for their intended purpose.

Turning the trucks over on behalf of United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Ambassador Elder congratulated the Government of Liberia on significant milestones accomplished since the opening of the CMS (10) months ago.

She said that the U.S. Government recognizes the improvement in the commodity supply chain and appreciated Dr. Jallah’s leadership in the sector.

Amb. Elder narrated that, since the opening of the warehouse, the U.S. Government has supported the center through  the installation of M-Supply, a warehouse inventory management system, which produced the first full inventory approximately one month ago, and through technical support and training has facilitated the physical distribution of medical products to all of the counties in the country.

“We are encouraged that all the data information system, such as the logistics management information systems, are in place and starting to provide the required information for managing a functioning and efficient supply chain,” she stressed.

Recognizing the need to strengthen data collection and last-mile distribution beyond the county depots, the U.S. Ambassador intimated that they are supporting Logistics Management Advisors who are building the capacity of County Health Teams for informed forecasting, quantification and requisition. She said, “Improving the supply chain is critical to improving the health of Liberians. The United States remains your committed partner in making the meaningful reforms that will ensure products get to those in the greatest need.”

She noted that as a way of contributing to the health sector, the U.S. government procures around half of the family planning commodities in the public sector, “All the malaria rapid diagnostics tests for the public sector, and a significant percentage of malaria treatment for adults and children. We recently approved a one-time purchase of essential medicines.”

Meanwhile, Dr. Boakai Boley, Managing Director of the Central Medicine Store has revealed the distribution of drugs to three of Liberia’s (15) counties, including Bong, Nimba and Lofa.

He said, with the presentation of the new trucks, they are going to speedily distribute drugs to the rest of the counties. Dr. Boakai disclosed that the new trucks presented to the CMS will amount to nine in total, describing it as a milestone to the nation’s health sector.

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