Rep. Edward Flomo Condemns LNP Use of Force On Protesting Students, But Police Rubbishes Claim

Laws & Order

Rep. Edward Flomo Condemns LNP Use of Force On Protesting Students, But Police Rubbishes Claim

IPNews-Monrovia:ย  Montserrado County District number 13 Representative, Edward Flomo has condemned the tear-gassing of students by officers of the Liberia National Police in Monrovia.

Speaking at news conference on yesterday, Rep. Flomo stated that it was wrong and unprofessional for officers of the LNP to use tear-gas on peaceful students who were protesting for the salary payment of their teachers.

He made the statements Tuesday hours after officers of the LNP used force to disburse protesting students in Monrovia.

The Montserrado lawmaker stated that it is not good for the government of Liberia to sit and allow things that can be resolved through dialogue to reach serious crisis point before the necessary actions are taken.

He is further called ย on the students to remain calm and patient as their leadership seeks dialogue with the concerned education authorities in the country to see how the matter can be laid to rest.

The protest comes two days after teachers of the Monrovia Consolidated School System, MCSS over three monthsโ€™ salary arrears owed them by the government of Liberia.

Meanwhile, several students are said to be hospitalized as the result of the actions of the Police against the protesting students.

But contrary to Rep. Flomo assertion, Police spokesman H. Moses Garter rubbished the report.

Cater told IPNews that the Police was in full swing of duty to restore law and order when protesting students when violent.

He stated the action by the Police to use teargas was a conventional means use by police across the world when a situation become violent.

The spokesman warned students and the general public to remain law abiding by peacefully presenting their grievances rather than stone throwing and destruction of lives and properties.

According to reports several students attending public schools in Monrovia were injured on Tuesday after officers of the Liberia National Police strongly responded to what was becoming a violent protest.

The students, who were mostly teenagers from the Monrovia Consolidated School System, had gone to protest for their right to education after some MCSS teachers decided to abandon classes, claiming that the government had not paid them for three months.

The students contended that this was disrupting their learning. They chanted slogans such asย  โ€œWe want go to school; we want learn book.โ€

Other slogans chanted included โ€œYou can pay zogos, but you canโ€™t pay teachersโ€ โ€“ a reference to President George Weahโ€™s government providing cash to groups of disadvantaged youths and substance abusers, commonly known as zogos, during the week of the countryโ€™s 174thย Independence Day celebrations. At that time, professional government workers, including teachers and health workers had not been paid.

The protest initially started peacefully but became chaotic when officers of the Police Support Unit moved in to control the protesting students, who had blocked the path of the presidentโ€™s convoy and opted to go beyond a point they had been confined to.

The situation led to some of the students throwing stones at police officers on Capitol Hill and the police, in response, used pepper spray, tear gas, and other means to disperse the protesters. Some of the students were seen falling to the ground, unconscious. Others sustained minor and major injuries.

Despite the police action, some of the students were adamant and vowed protest until their demands are met.

โ€œThis will not be the end, we will continue to protest until [you] ย pay our teachers,โ€ one of the protesting students said.

โ€œMost of your children are into various private schools, and we too, need to go to school. This is not possible and it will never be possible for us to be out of school.โ€

A 13-year-old Helena Karkee, who attends the Lorma Quarters Elementary School, sobbed as she appealed to the president to pay their teachers to return to the classrooms.

The second-grade student, Helena added, โ€œWe donโ€™t want to be out of school. I am calling on the government to really pay attention to our education.โ€

The leadership of the Liberia National Students Union has issued a statement condemning the action of the police.

LINSU stated that it condemns in the strongest term the brutal actions of police officers against โ€˜harmless studentsโ€™ who stampeded their ways into history to call the attention of authorities in the countryโ€™s educational sector to the absence of teachers in their classrooms since the beginning of the current academic year.

โ€œWe believe the government of Liberia through the Ministry of Education, needs to concentrate on a more proactive and not reactive mean to resolve the appalling conditions confronting Liberiaโ€™s educational sector,โ€ LINSU said in the release.

โ€œWe must, however, applaud the gallantries of the students whose actions reminded us of the students of Soweto in 1976.โ€

In response to the protest, the police described the student protest as a โ€œviolation of other peopleโ€™s rights,โ€ as the students had set up roadblocks and blocked the presidentโ€™s convoy.

โ€œThe MCSS students became very violent, throwing stones at officers and exchanging stones with private school students resulting to the damaging of the sliding glasses at the J.J. Roberts United Methodist High School,โ€ a police press statement said.

โ€œDue to the violent conduct of the rampaging MCSS students, the LNP used tear gas in dispersing them, thereby restoring calm to Central Monrovia and its environs.โ€

Police said 13 students were โ€œaffected by tear gasโ€ and were later released from the hospital into the care of their parents. However, there was no mention in the statement of the many students seen during the protest with deep bloody wounds.

After the protest had started, the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning clarified that the government had paid the salaries of 15,000 non-MCSS teachers for the month of August, and is currently processing their pay for September.

The Finance Ministry said close to 2,000 non-MCSS teachers who have account issues were also currently getting their pay for August, through arrangements agreed upon with the Ministry of Education.

It also disclosed that it had paid 900 MCSS teachers in full for the month of August on Monday.

โ€œThese teachers received only Liberian dollars. About 200 MCSS teachers who are paid in both USD and Liberian Dollars have received their 20 percent Liberian Dollar portions, but the bank in which they have their accounts has not yet posted the 80 percent to their USD accounts,โ€ the ministry said.

The government also notified the public that payments for September 2019 for all MCSS teachers, who are paid differently from the 17,000 public school teachers, has been sent to the bank and is expected to be credited to their accounts by close of this week.

1 thought on “Rep. Edward Flomo Condemns LNP Use of Force On Protesting Students, But Police Rubbishes Claim”

  1. Tambo Mandela Campbell

    I thinks thr statement by honorable Edward Papay Flomo, is welcoming and government needs to take it seriously.

    The government needs to always try to put measures in place to stop unnecessary protest.
    Thanks hon. Flomo.

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