‘Do Not Give Men’s Job To Boys To Do‘, Kofi Woods Frowns on Poor Handling of Rep. Kolubah & Voce FM Attacks


‘Do Not Give Men’s Job To Boys To Do‘, Kofi Woods Frowns on Poor Handling of Rep. Kolubah & Voce FM Attacks

IPNews-Monrovia-Liberia: Tuesday, 5 February 2019: Former Human Rights lawyer Attorney Samuel Kofi Woods, II, has frowned over poor handling into investigation of recent attacks on the home of district #10, when Representative Yekeh Kolubah and the facilities of populous talk show host Henry Costa’s ‘Roots FM, by unknown men.

The former Public Works Minister stated that proper investigation into these occurrences were troubling and a speedy public declaration of these investigations were necessary to ensuring a stop to those instigating violence in the country and ensure justice is accorded the victims.

The former Human Rights lawyer speaking early this morning on the ‘Costa Talk Show’, stated that too many things were happening in the country, judging from Liberians continued complaint of hardship which must claim the immediate attention of all Human rights group across Liberia.

Atty. Woods cited specific instances including the unprovoked attack on the University Liberia student leadership and the suspension of student political activities at the state run University, the attack on the home of Representative Yekeh Kolubah and recently the attack on the broadcast facilities of the ‘Costa Talk Show, as troubling signs which must be dealt with urgently.

“We want peace to prevail and we must work together to ensure peace, security and freedom for all citizens in our country,”

“Our visit here today is to demonstrate our continued concern about the troubling developments in this country, and the attack on your broadcast facility by unknown men, is worrisome and needs to be prevented by the government to avoid a chaotic state.” Atty. Woods said’

Speaking further, Atty. Woods stated that too many things were happening in the country, judging from Liberians continued complaint of hardship which must claim the immediate attention of all Human rights group across Liberia.

Atty. Woods cited specific instances including the unprovoked attack on the University Liberia student leadership and the suspension of student political activities at the state run University as troubling signs which must be dealt with urgently.
“Our visit here this morning to reassure you and others who are in the fight to ensure Liberia remain a stable state and there is an adherence to rule of law and freedom of speech,”

“These developments, do not augur well for the nation and require the immediate attention of government of Liberia.” Frm. Minister Kofi Woods stated.

He frowned on recent waves of attacked and treats against the opposition and citizens wanting to exercise their fundamental right as to ‘freedom of speech and association to desist as these bad tenants undermines the peace and tranquility fought for over decades.

“ Let me reassure you Costa, that your stances , including others to ensure Liberia remain peaceful and that adherence to the rule of law, putting an end to the systematic corruption are not alone.”
“ We stand by you and will support you in exposing the ills in this government and tenets that have the propensity to undermine the peace and stability of the country.” Atty Woods said.
He said Liberia is still at a cross road in advancing and sustaining the already fragile peace which are edged on two important pillars that must be address by the George Weah government.

Atty Woods, stated that it was the obligation of the CDC led government to ensure that genuine reconciliation and putting an end to reckless corruption is ensure.

“I recalled when former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf delivered her last annual message to the nation, she mentioned two cardinal challenges, namely corruption and national reconciliation. These two are very cardinal to the stability of our young democracy and the Coalition for Democratic Change-led government must address these same challenges now that we as a nation do not go back to those dark days.”

“Let me say here today, that reports of ruthless allegations of self-enrichment by key figures in governmental circles must stop and be address to the expectation of ordinary Liberians.” Atty Woods warned.

He stated that his stand on prevailing conditions and situation in the country is his overwhelming desire to ensure that Liberia maintained the peace which was longed fought for.

He recounted his continued advocacy for social justice and adher3nce to the rule of law, especially when he spoke against the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf led government murder of a partisan of the then opposition party, now ruling party the CDC.

“We spoke and argued the silence of the previous government when a partisan of the then opposition CDC was murder, including the mysterious disappearance of two prominent Liberians during the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf government, while we served as Minister of Public Works,”

“This advocacy will be maintained without fear or favor.” Atty Woods stated.

Atty. Woods furthermore call on integrity institutions to muster the courage to begin publishing audit reports of the government for the last one year of the CDC government administration and expenditure of the resources of the country.

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