‘WHITE TEETH, BLACK HEART’, Speaker Koffa Survives Removal

Diaspora News

‘WHITE TEETH, BLACK HEART’, Speaker Koffa Survives Removal

–As Call Mounts for LACC Probe In Money Exchanging Hands

IPNEWS: Likable Cllr. Johnathan Fonati Koffa, has survived a planned attempt removal by ‘rebel Lawmaker’, believed to be led by Deputy House Speaker, and member of the opposition Congress for Democratic Change (CDC), to which the incumbent speaker hails.

The ‘rebel’ lawmakers led by Deputy Speaker Thomas Fallah, in an attempt to finish their removal plan of Speaker J. Fonati Koffa, while on an official visit to Italy at the invitation of President Joseph N. Boakai, drafted a resolution of 47 names of factitious names which are now being challenged.

Without delay, Bong County Representative, Marvin Cole, as Chairman, Rules, Order and Administration, with support of other Pro-Koffa Lawmakers, including staffers, and security personnel, stormed the Capitol and locked the doors of the chamber doors preventing the ‘rebel’ lawmakers led by Deputy Speaker Thomas Fallah to hold session during which time the plan to unseal the removal plot was thwarted.

The scene was violent with bitter exchanges from opposing faction.

In a face-saving attempt, Deputy Speaker Thomas Fallah quickly spoke with the Media denying his involvement in the plot to remove Speaker Koffa.

Deputy Speaker Fallah stated that Speaker Koffa remains his good friend and they both are at odds, adding that the growing tension at the Capitol was trigged by misinformation by some members of his opposition Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC).

“I support Speaker Koffa and the CDC, and I urge my aggrieved colleagues to address their grievances peacefully instead of resorting to violence,” Fallah said, calling for calm and reconciliation among the party’s members.

Minutes following Deputy Speaker Fallah’s  denial, numbers Representatives began detaching themselves from the plot to remove Speaker J. Fonati Koffa, paving way for a significant layer to the ongoing political discourse surrounding leadership and reform within the 55th Legislature, as lawmakers navigate the complexities of governance in Liberia.

One of those notable names is Representative Thomas A. Goshua II,  of Grand Bassa County, who formally revoked his signature from the purported resolution aimed at removing Speaker J. Fonati Koffa.

Goshua, who had initially signed the resolution, stated that his involvement was purely investigative, intending to gather information about the number of lawmakers supporting the effort and the individuals orchestrating it.

In a detailed statement, Goshua clarified his role, emphasizing that he did not endorse the movement to unseat the Speaker. “My role in this matter was purely investigative… it was not meant as an endorsement of the effort to unseat him,” he explained.

Goshua’s investigation revealed that the push for Koffa’s removal stemmed from his recent decision to initiate an audit of the House of Representatives, an unprecedented move aimed at promoting transparency and accountability within the legislative body. This initiative, however, has faced significant resistance, which Goshua identified as the driving force behind the resolution for Koffa’s ousting.

“I came to realize that the drive to remove the Speaker has been intertwined with opposition to such a critical initiative as the audit,” he stated. Goshua emphasized the importance of supporting reforms that enhance accountability in governance, urging his colleagues to reject any efforts that seek to undermine these initiatives.

“Speaker Koffa has demonstrated exemplary leadership during his tenure, and I continue to have confidence in his vision for a more transparent and accountable legislature,” Goshua remarked, reinforcing his commitment to good governance.

The Representative called on fellow lawmakers to focus on serving the people of Liberia, highlighting the need for unity in addressing the challenges facing the nation. He expressed hope that the House could move past internal divisions and work collaboratively towards progress.

In closing, Goshua reiterated his support for the proposed audit, calling it a vital step in restoring trust in the legislative process. “I stand in support of accountability and transparency, and I believe that the proposed audit of the House of Representatives is an essential first step toward building a better future for Liberia,” he affirmed.

Another Lawmaker, Priscilla Cooper, Representative of Montserrado County,  District No. 5, stated that her initial desire to sign the resolution was in accordance with “Article 49 of the 1986 constitution of the Republic of Liberia, as well Rule 9.1 of the House Rule Book, gives procedures on the removal from office of elected officials to include the House’s Speaker, however, when she signed the petition, she was of the conviction that Speaker Koffa would have been accorded due process but to no avail.

Representative Cooper narrates that happenings at the House of Representative Thursday, October 17, does not represent anything close to being honorable and call on ‘rebel’ lawmakers to abandon their plan and return to tranquility .

“I will not be a part of any hostile takeover, especially when there are rumors of funds given, which is equivalent to pay for play and that is unacceptable!! I’m as bold as can be, I stand up to anyone without fear or favor but when there are procedures to follow, those steps must be taken.”

“Therefore, In view of of the aforementioned, I Hon. Prescilla Abram Cooper, Representative of Electoral District #5,Montserrado County, do hereby officially withdraw my signature from the petition to effectuate the removal of Hon.Cllr J.Fonatee Koffa as Speaker of the 55th Liberia Legislature. I pledge to demonstrate and adhere to the tendency of good governance by providing sound Legislative oversight to strengthen our democracy and build our country”

“Hence, the quest to remove the speaker through the means adopted, is unattainable and that’s why I am disassociating myself from the Resolution and rescinding my signature.” Priscilla Cooper, Representative of Montserrado County,  District No. 5, stated.

Amidst the ongoing controversies, one of the man at the center of accusation as being the one of the mastermind and supply of the over 1 million dashed out for the removal of Speaker Fonati Koffa, Mo Ali, current Director General of the Liberia Water and Seward Corporation (LWSC), says accusation by Bong County Representative are shameful and irresponsible.

Ali said  that the unfounded accusation made on the Spoon Talk on October 17, 2024, by Rep. Cole, as providing the financial support for efforts to remove Speaker Fonati Koffa are far from the truth as he has never held such money his lifetime.

“Firstly, your accusation lacks clarity regarding whether the alleged money was personal or from the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC). If you are suggesting that the funds were personal, such a claim is baseless, as I have never possessed such an amount in my lifetime. If, on the other hand, you are implying that the money came from LWSC, then it is clear that you have no knowledge of the rigorous financial processes and controls in place at LWSC, making such misuse impossible.”

“Secondly, even hypothetically assuming I had access to the alleged amount, why would I choose to invest it in a process that offers no personal or familial benefit? I fail to see how the removal of Speaker Koffa would serve my personal interests; much less justify such an unnecessary expenditure.”

:As a legislator, you have a duty to act with integrity and responsibility, not only to yourself but also to the people you serve and the nation as a whole. Making serious allegations of this nature requires substantial evidence to support your claims. Therefore, I publicly challenge you to present evidence that I provided any financial support toward the alleged plot to remove Speaker Koffa. It is imperative that lawmakers refrain from making reckless accusations. As a public servant, I urge you to conduct yourself truthfully and professionally in your words and actions. Baseless accusations, such as the one you have made, undermine public trust in the legislature and do not serve the interests of the Liberian people.” LWSC Mo Ali stated.

Meanwhile, Margibi County Senator and Chairman, CDC Legislative Caucus, Nathanil F. McGill, has called for an investigation into the use of bribery to remove an elected official from office.

Senator McGill stated that the action by the ‘rebel’ lawmakers represents the most ‘blatant and dangerous form of corruption’

In his take on Thursday Oct 17,  tiled ” Liberia’s democracy is in danger!”, Senator McGill stated that the use of bribery to remove an elected official from office represents the most blatant and dangerous form of corruption that undermines the very foundation of our democratic principles, where elected leaders should serve based on the will of the people, not on backroom deals or financial coercion.

“This kind of manipulation not only distorts our political system but sets a dangerous precedent that could encourage further undemocratic actions in the future. Such acts must not be allowed or tolerated in our politics. We cannot afford to let corruption, in any form, become the norm in how leaders are chosen or removed.”

“Therefore, we are calling on the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) to immediately launch a thorough and transparent investigation into these grave allegations, where lawmakers are suspected of receiving bribes to remove the Speaker, and those lawmakers responsible must be held accountable to ensure the protection and future of our democracy. This is not just a political issue, but a test of our commitment to uphold the rule of law, accountability, and the principles that should guide our nation. The people of Liberia deserve better! “ Senator Nathaniel F. McGill stated.

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