Old Wine In New Bottle: Discontent Clouds Weah’s 58th Birthday Celebration

Diaspora News

Old Wine In New Bottle: Discontent Clouds Weah’s 58th Birthday Celebration

IPNEWS: As if the effects which characterized the defeat of the November 2023 runoff elections are still not enough, especially the distressing moments amongst officials and supporters of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), some literally shedding tears and other suffering from high pressure over the manner and form the party was defeat at the polls.

It may be recalled, former President and Standard Bearer George Manneh Weah, from vintage position and personal perspective at a church service at his Forkay Klon Jlaleh Family Fellowship, declared that CDC suffered self-destruct than from external maneuvering.

Certainly, concern of ordinary partisans continues to mount that the hard lessons from 2023 elections are still not enough, especially when bigwigs of the CDC compromised their duties with compliancy leading to an undesired defeat.

Now, an assessment by the authoritative Independent Probe Newspaper, as CDC celebrates the 58th birthday anniversary of its political leader and former President Goerge Manneh Weah, sees the emergence of serious discontent following the release of the committee composition led by former Deputy Internal Affairs Minister, Paulita C.C. Wie, with many, particularly new talented and versatile youths.

On the sidelines of Saturday’s start of activities, the new partisans complained that the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC). the party, once a beacon of hope and progress for many Liberians has turned into a social club of recycled officials who saw the defeat of the Party.

Many of the partisans spoken to stated that CDC was now trapped in the same pattern of friendship and willful refusal by party leaders to embrace new talents and perspectives within its leadership structure, instead, a culture recycle leadership dominance is the order of the day.

They questioned whether or not Executives of the CDC were genuine to rebrand and revitalize the Party or a mere show by the lips.

“It seems that some leaders of our Party do not see the bigger picture. Look, former President Weah needs to be serious about this rebranding exercise of the CDC. We must face this reality that there a pervasive internal strife, rampant discord, and a selective leadership style that have created a toxic environment with partisans of the old leadership seeing themselves stewards with lifetime position that no other can serve.”

“This posture is disastrous for a political party with countless dedicated partisans. It is utterly unacceptable to persist in recycling the same old faces that have failed to inspire and mobilize our base.”  A disenchanted partisan tells IPNEWS.

Others spoken to, insisted that it was now time that the former President acknowledge the inflammation tide of dissatisfaction among partisans, mainly new professionals, ordinary supporters, sympathizers, well-wishers, and loyal partisans.

“There is a intense anger brewing within our ranks as many feel overlooked and disillusioned by the continuing dominance of familiar figures. This sentiment of frustration is not just a fleeting feeling; it is a cry for meaningful change and representation within the party.”

“Take a look at those constituting the Former President Dr. George Manneh Weah’s 58th Birthday Committee. This list prominently features the same group of individuals who have long been entrenched in our party’s leadership. Are they the only qualified partisans of the party that should always be given the opportunity to serve on various committees? Are we to believe that these recurring names are indicative of a commitment to progress? It is high time for the party to take a step back and reevaluate its course of action.”

“We demand a strategic shift-one that breaks free from the shackles of familiar faces and invites new voices that truly represent the diversity and dynamism of our party base. The road ahead requires bold leadership choices that resonate with the aspirations of all Liberians, not just a select few who seem to think they hold a monopoly on commitment and loyalty.”

“Let us rise to the occasion and heed the call for transformation. The future of the CDC and, by extension, the nation, depends on our ability to foster an inclusive and innovative leadership that genuinely reflects the will of the people. We cannot afford to ignore the voices of our supporters any longer. The time for change is now!” Disenchanted Partisans averred.

There has been no official response from the CDC leadership over this latest smell of disenchantment within the party.

Last week, the Executive Committee of the CDC constituted a 30 men committee headed by Paulita C.C. Wie, for the smooth conduct of former president Weah’s 58th Birthday celebration.

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