PERSPECTIVE: The Triumph of Liberian Justice

Diaspora News

PERSPECTIVE: The Triumph of Liberian Justice

By: Hon. Samuel D. Tweah ,Jr.

Former Minister, Ministry of Finance & Development Planning

Yesterday, September 25, 2024, will go down in the annals of Liberian jurisprudence as one of the finest days in the administration of independent and transparent justice:  a judge rebuked attempts by a sitting Liberian Government to weaponize and bastardize the judiciary to achieve political glory at the expense of former officials of Government. It is a day that will rest in eternal fame!

Since the witch-hunt  against my person, I have inforned Liberians via this very social media space that I was  coming to face my accusers and vindicate my name. Several persons advised  against my coming, arguing that the intention of the UP-Government was to merely have me paraded unjustly in handcuffs as some “posterboy’ for its already doomed ‘fight against corruption.’

As fearless as I am and knowing I am innocent of the bogus charges, I took in all the advice  but countered that there was no way or no chance that I would not return to Liberia, even at the cost of my unjust and politically-motivated imprisonment. Who and what would I be if I fled from my country? I had  left Liberia since January 23, 2024 and was in no way a fugitive from justice. After the politically manipulated indictment  I had to ensure I return under the correct legal circumstances !

There were those who argued that it is within a judge’s  rights to deny even a bond worth a billion United States dollars, to which I gladly responded  “then that would be my fate and I must prepare to face and accept it.”

But deep down in the wellsprings of my soul, I  believe there had to be men and women  who would stand for the upright enforcement of the law as it is written, who could resist the threats, blandishments, or emoluments from a sitting Government sworn to pervert Liberian law as it has already copiously done in service of demonizing political opponents for political glory!

And so yesterday as the judge dictated his ruling that I was entitled to bail under our laws and constitution, that I am now under the jurisprudence of the court and am a free citizen protected by bail from illegal arrests or harassment, tears welled in my eyes. I knew I could somewhat trust our judiciary system: I didn’t know it was going to be this overwhelming!

In closing, let me express thanks to the thousands who have been saying their prayers for me and showing me their support. To my darling prayer warrior wife and her legions of pastors, to family, friends, partisans, colleagues, supporters and well-wishers I am profoundly grateful.

To those who have been dying just to see me unjustly in handcuffs let me say to you do not know, neither do you understand the democratic Liberia we now live in. In my radio appearances in the coming days, I will expound on this rich democratic tradition we now enjoy, which is principally sustained by a few men and women endowed with the powers and privileges to do right by the people!

May God bless our motherland and may we all work justly for a better Liberia!

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