Liberia: UBA to Provide Long Term Jobs for College Graduates

Business News

Liberia: UBA to Provide Long Term Jobs for College Graduates

By Taisiah Merfee

IPNEWS; The Managing Director of the United Bank for Africa (UBA) has announced an innovative employment and entrepreneurship scheme designed for graduates of the University of Liberia. This initiative, unveiled by Managing Director Mr. Ayokunle Olajubu Abraham during the university’s 104th convocation, aims to provide valuable training and job opportunities.

The announcement coincided with the conferral of 886 degrees during the university’s 104th convocation, underscoring UBA’s commitment to fostering economic growth and development in the region.

He said the scheme is designed to provide graduates with valuable opportunities to enhance their skills and positively impact the local economy.

Speaking at the graduation ceremony of the University of  Liberia  were students  graduates includes 270 candidates from the Accounting Department, 158 graduates from the Economics Department, 169 graduates from the Management Department, and 289 from the Public Administration Department.

The UBA’s employment scheme will include training sessions and has called on the Acting President and deans of the University of Liberia to actively participate in the initiative.

The UBA  bank  DG said its aims to ensure that a significant number of graduates from the 104th class can engage in this opportunity. Notably, the three best-performing students will be offered employment with UBA, further incentivizing excellence among graduates.

The UBA Managing Director made the announcement during his address at the University of Liberia’s convocation for the A. Romeo Horton College of Business and Public Administration, marking the Class of 2023’s 104th commencement.

This college encompasses departments such as Accounting, Economics, Management, and Public Administration, highlighting the bank’s commitment to supporting graduates from these fields as they transition into the workforce.

The ceremony took place on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at the University of Liberia’s campus in Fendall. It drew a diverse audience, including family members, guests, notable personalities, and university staff and faculty. A total of 886 graduates were conferred with their degrees, celebrating their achievements and marking a significant milestone in their academic journeys.

Mr. Abraham stated, “I put a challenge to the Acting President and deans: in two months, we will launch an entrepreneurship and employment scheme, and we want as many graduates as possible to participate in the training. UBA encourages all graduates to take the test.”

He further encouraged graduates to believe in the reality of their dreams, emphasizing that success depends on their efforts. He urged them to pay close attention to every opportunity and make the most of it, stating, “Work to make the economy independent.

You are the limit of what you can become. Adapt to situations, innovate, and change the course of your challenges.”

Speaking at the occasion, Prof. Dr. Al-Hassan Conteh reminded the degree candidates that their academic degrees are not just certifications but keys to unlocking their potential and transforming Liberian society. He emphasized that Liberia needs their skills, creativity, and passion to drive progress and development as they embark on this new chapter in their lives.

As our Visitor, Boakai recently emphasized, “We must always remember that our mindset informs our behavior, which in turn shapes our society. To build a better society, we must begin holding conversations that will lead to a positive mindset shift now.”

Dr. Conteh admonished the graduates to avoid complacency with norms that hinder their growth. Instead, he urged them to challenge these norms with innovative solutions and a commitment to excellence. He stressed that their education should focus not only on personal achievement but also on contributing to the greater good of Liberia and the world.

As they join the job market, he challenged them to remember that leadership is not merely about titles but about inspiring positive change. He encouraged them to embody the values of integrity, compassion, and service to others in their professional journeys.

The Acting President told the graduates they are Liberia’s future leaders, entrepreneurs, and change-makers. He urged them to use their knowledge and skills to empower others, create opportunities, and build a better future for all.

In closing, he urged them to stay committed to their goals, be resilient in the face of challenges, and always remember that their success is not solely defined by individual achievements but by their impact on society.

For his part, Valedictorian Jacob Luther Kennedy cautioned the government to take the education of youth seriously, noting that there are insufficient programs to assist those striving for knowledge. He emphasized the need for greater support and investment in education to empower the next generation.

He proposed the establishment of a secretariat to identify and budget academic programs aimed at enhancing the credentials of young professionals. He congratulated his colleagues on their remarkable achievement and encouraged them to enter society, using their education to provide solutions and contribute meaningfully to the community.

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