Liberia Turns To Egypt For EPS Revamp

Diaspora News

Liberia Turns To Egypt For EPS Revamp

IPNEWS: The former Special Security Services (SSS), established on February 23, 1966, with a mission to “protect and secure the President, his immediate family, other officials, and visiting dignitaries (VIPs) as designated by the President; and to protect the Executive Mansion and its surrounding grounds.”

In the in the performance of the functions, an Agent may arrest or cause to be arrested any person or persons committing a crime [in] flagrant delicto, or aiding and abetting any crime or violation, or who may reasonably be suspected of the commission of a crime, according to the handbook of the SSS.

The SSS according to the United States Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services, the Special Security Service existed already prior to 1980. The US Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services report that according to one analyst the SSS had a “fluid and undefined role” during the First Liberian Civil War (1989-1997). When Charles Taylor became president in 1997, he reactivated the group and integrated members of his National Patriotic Front of Liberia into the SSS. According to HRW, the group was newly created by Taylor in 1997.

The group ceased to be pro-government with the resignation of Taylor in August 2003. With the Comprehensive Peace Accord (CPA) of 2003 the SSS was supposed to be demobilized and integrated into the official security apparatus. As part of this, it was transformed into the Executive Protective Service (ESS).
The militia was used against political opponents as a protective force for the government, supplementing the diminished regular armed forces, and mainly acting as a presidential guard. It also recruited fighters for the government.
The leadership consisted of Taylor supporters and Taylor loyalist Benjamin Yeaten was the head of the militia during Taylor’s presidency. Reports state that the militia was exclusively responsible to Taylor and did not receive orders from elsewhere, e.g. the Ministry of Defense.

Many members were previously engaged in fighting for Taylor, indicating loyalty toward him as a motivation for joining.

Now in appreciation for support in his bid to overhaul the EPS, Director Gaye met with Egyptian Ambassador to Monrovia Ahmed Abdel Azim, alongside members of the EPS who had received advanced training on VIP protection delivered by the Egyptian Agency of Partnership for Development (EAPD).

The Liberian side commended the impact of the training on the performance of officers and guards, requesting more support on that front.

On his side, Ambassador Abdel Azim affirmed Egypt’s commitment to contributing to human capacity-building in Liberia, particularly among elements of the Presidential Guards with the aim of preserving the security and stability of the Liberian people and protecting its properties.


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