Liberia: LIS Negligence Leaves One Recruit Dead

Crime Watch

Liberia: LIS Negligence Leaves One Recruit Dead

IPNEWS: An investigation conducted by the authoritative Independent Probe Newspaper, has established that recent a recruit Henry Wesseh, of the Liberia Immigration Service (LIS), met his untimely death due to ‘negligence and unprofessionalism’.

Examination of a video circulating proves that the Liberia Immigration Service (LIS) officials in Grand Bassa County were very unprofessional and reckless in managing a case of one of its recruits handling the situation leaving to the untimely death of candidate Henry Wesseh in the port city of Buchanan, Grand Bassa County.

IPNEWS investigation also established that authorities of the Liberia Immigration Service (LIS) conducting physical trainings for individuals in Grand Bassa County had limited professional knowledge of first aid and emergency case management in placed as universally required prior to the conduct of physical security training exercises.

The video clearly shows how candidate Henry Wesseh struggled lying down fighting death while some LIS trainers watch him with questions without doing anything to rescue the recruit.

Some trainer could clearly be heard asking the death-fighting recruit ‘if he had health issues, or if he drank alcohol before going for the exercise’.

Commenting on the issue, a well-trained security personal told IPNEWS that lack of professional judgment and swift actions of first aid led to the death of the young and promising recruit who had shown passion to serve his country.

“The JNB-JKK administration had misplaced everyone in the security sector and that is why all the security lapses are all around. The first laps is naming a season lawyer to serve as National Security Advisor to President Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr, who has no knowledge of security and had never served in any security apparatus before.”

“The second laps were assigning the responsibility of the presidential security, the Executive Protection Services with a well-trained and seasoned drugs enforcement agent who had misplace people in the presidential diamond thus causing a security breach at the graduation ceremony of the United Methodist university.”

“The third laps is appointing an active operational Police officer to fight drugs who has a bad working relationship with all his deputies. And lastly, appointing a seasoned and trained investigator as commissioner for immigration that has no knowledge of the system.” A national Security Expert told IPNEWS

Sources tell IPNEWS that since the ascendency of Commissioner Stephen Zargo, the misplacement of officers and favoritism has taken over the system making it difficult for the conduct of professional immigration work execution especially across Liberia’s porous borders.

“Commissioner Stephen Zargo unilaterally appointed untrained people to handle the physical test exercise of candidates thus causing people to die and be disqualify.

The death of immigration candidate Henry Wesseh needs to be investigated and those unqualified Immigrations officers who conducted the training test exercise in Grand Bassa County need to be dismissed and the video shows that the death was at the result of their carelessness.” A source told IPNEWS.

IPNEWS has not gotten feedback from Commissioner Zargo nor his public relations office following our inquiries into the alleged nepotism and favoritism currently been carried out at the Liberia Immigration Service (LIS).

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