PERPSPECTIVE: A National Security Public Policy Commentary: The Imperative of Resolute Actions Against Banditry and Hooliganism in Liberia

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PERPSPECTIVE: A National Security Public Policy Commentary: The Imperative of Resolute Actions Against Banditry and Hooliganism in Liberia

By: Austin S Fallah- A Public Policy Expert,  Legal Mind, Government Law Enforcement Minded, and A True Nationalist Son of the Planet Earth Soil:
In recent months, Liberia has experienced a troubling resurgence of banditry, hooliganism, and other forms of national security threats perpetrated by individuals masquerading under the banner of free speech and the right to protest.
To preserve the fabric of society, safeguard the rights of all citizens, and protect the nation’s economic future, the Liberian government must take decisive punitive action to curb these threats.
The experience of countries that have grappled with similar challenges suggests a clear trajectory, unchecked violence and disorder ultimately deter investment, destabilize civil society, and create an environment where anarchy prevails.
Historically, Liberia has endured deep scars from years of civil war, and the last thing the nation can afford is a slide back into chaos.
For Liberia and its people, the prospect of reopening old wounds is an unacceptable risk.
The continued thriving of banditry and hooliganism not only threatens the safety and security of citizens but also dissuades potential investors.
Economic stability is a cornerstone of democratic governance, and investors naturally seek environments where their interests are protected and where they can operate in a context free from fear and violence.
Therefore, it is imperative to understand that addressing hooliganism and banditry is not just an issue of law and order, but it is an essential component of national security and economic policy that benefits all Liberians.
At the heart of this issue lies the misconception that acts of violence and disorder can be justified as forms of legitimate protest.
While free speech and the right to protest are fundamental democratic ideals protected by the Liberian Constitution, these rights do not extend to violence, intimidation, or the disruption of public order.
Such actions undermine the very democracy nonnationalists purport to champion.
Historical context matters here.
Many nations have struggled to find a balance between protecting free expression and ensuring public safety, and Liberia must draw upon these lessons as we continue to see in Haiti.
Liberians will not sit and allow their nation to become another Haiti in this time and age.
The overwhelming consensus in any democratic society is that while individuals have the right to express dissent, that expression must not infringe upon the rights of others to live their lives free from fear, intimidation, and violence.
Crimes committed under the guise of protest not only compromise public safety but also detract from legitimate issues that require attention.
Many individuals in Liberia are rightly concerned about economic disparities, lack of access to critical services, and the need for government accountability.
However, when these concerns are articulated through violence or intimidation, they risk obfuscating the real issues and pushing them further from the public consciousness.
Instead of achieving the desired outcomes of social reform, they instead generate cynicism and backlash against genuine calls for change.
In many African nations,  youths, and younger people are raising legitimate socioeconomic issues for the common good and not protecting criminals
Moreover, the international community closely observes developments in Liberia.
Ongoing incidents of banditry and hooliganism send a signal of instability that could deter foreign investment and erode public confidence in the government.
For a country like Liberia, which relies heavily on foreign investments and aid, the ramifications of such perceptions can be dire.
Potential investors who seek stability and predictability are likely to seek opportunities in more secure environments, leaving Liberia to fend for itself in a turbulent economic landscape.
The loss of investments, in turn, leads to fewer jobs, stunted economic growth, and increased poverty, as we have seen over the years.
Thus, the connection between public safety, national security, and economic stability is not merely a theoretical argument, but it is a practical consideration that could define the future of Liberia.
The memory of Liberia’s past cannot be overlooked.
The nation has grappled with the cataclysmic consequences of unchecked violence before.
The civil war that gripped the nation for over a decade serves as a poignant reminder of what can happen when the state fails to maintain law and order.
The sacrifices made and the progress garnered since peace was restored precious commodities that must not be squandered.
The government must act decisively against those who seem hell-bent on fracturing the peace through banditry or violent protest, calling it a peaceful protest, free speech, or freedom to assemble.
Such is illegal and criminal in all the truest sense of democracy, and the government must deal with such disorderly, unpeaceful hyenas, decisive and legal.
There is a strong legal and moral foundation supporting the government’s responsibility to uphold public safety and ensure that justice is dealt with those who infringe upon civil order, especially when such actions disrupt the livelihoods of ordinary citizens.
In practical terms, the government must implement a series of measures aimed at both punitive action and preventive strategies.
First and foremost, law enforcement agencies must be empowered and adequately resourced to confront hooliganism and violence head-on.
This includes training personnel, allocating necessary funding, and fostering community relationships based on trust and transparency.
Instead of resorting to excessive force, which could further incite violence, police should focus on de-escalation techniques and community engagement while ensuring law and order are enforced to the letter and maintained.
This balanced approach can help rebuild trust with citizens, showcasing that the government is committed to protecting both their rights and their safety.
Additionally, there must be swift and transparent consequences for those who engage in acts of disorder.
While some may argue that punitive measures could exacerbate tensions, the reality is that the absence of accountability leads to a cycle of lawlessness.
A clear and consistent stance from the government regarding the illegitimacy of violent protests will send a message that such behavior will not be tolerated.
This will contribute to a sense of order and discourage other would-be offenders from pursuing similar paths of disruption.
Moreover, the government must engage in public education campaigns to clarify the distinction between legitimate protests and unlawful actions that harm society.
Empowering citizens with knowledge will reinforce their rights to dissent peacefully while also educating them about the ramifications of engaging in violence or vandalism.
Articulating a clear vision of what constructive engagement looks like can mobilize communities towards more peaceful forms of activism, ultimately strengthening the democratic fabric of society.
In the wake of addressing current threats, it is also imperative for the Liberian government to consider long-term solutions that foster social cohesion and address the root causes of discontent while ensuring that laws of the land are protected and withheld.
Comprehensive strategies that focus on poverty alleviation, education, job creation, and social justice can play an essential role in mitigating feelings of disenfranchisement among citizens.
When people feel that they have access to opportunities and their voices are heard through constructive channels, but presenting ideas in a professional, peaceful, and respectful manner, the appeal of resorting to violence diminishes significantly.
Future debates about the rights to protest/civil and public safety in Liberia must be framed within the understanding that the two are not mutually exclusive.
To thrive as a nation, there must be a commitment to upholding public safety without encroaching upon the fundamental tenets of democracy but upholding the law to the fullest.
The concept of freedom must be clearly defined, reminding citizens that true freedom exists not in the ability to act violently but in fostering an environment where everyone can coexist peacefully.
While demonstrations and protests are essential tools for social change, they must be grounded in respect for the rule of law and the rights of others.
The need for the Liberian government to take decisive punitive action against banditry, hooliganism, and all forms of violence masquerading as protest cannot be overemphasized.
The stakes are dramatically high, not only for national security but also for economic stability and the broader pursuit of democracy.
Liberia cannot afford to descend once again into chaos, but rather, it must champion citizen safety, social responsibility, and economic growth.
The government’s actions today will ripple through generations, shaping the landscape of the nation for years to come.
Through a firm commitment to law and order, education, and social justice, Liberia can indeed break the cycle of violence and emerge as a beacon of stability, democracy, and hope in the region.

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