Crime Watch


IPNEWS: The Liberian Government has clarified that the Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency’s (LDEA) search and seizure execution in Congo Town was not intended for, nor did it target, the Headquarters of the opposition Congress for Democratic Change (CDC).
Following violent clashes between CDC supporters and the police on Thursday, August 22, 2024, the government said in an attempt for the LDEA to execute a search and seizure warrant in the Small Town Community, it received resistance from community dwellers.
The Small Town Community is located in the Bernard Beach vicinity, where the CDC has its headquarters.
After the LDEA pulled out, the government said individuals believed to be members of the CDC blocked the free flow of traffic, setting roadblocks.
The government said the CDCians lighted tires and pelted stones at vehicles and pedestrians on Tubman Boulevard, near their party headquarters.
As a result of the resistance, the government noted that several LDEA personnel sustained injuries and were being treated at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center.
“Early this morning, the Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency (LDEA), in an attempt to execute a search and seizure warrant at an identified property in the Small Town Community around the Bernard Beach vicinity, received resistance from some community members that led to the LDEA personnel pulling out of the community,” the government said.
A statement released by Information Minister Jerolinmek Matthew Piah said several vehicles were damaged, and innocent citizens, as well as law enforcement officers, were injured by rocks thrown from the direction of the party headquarters.
“To restore law and order, the Liberia National Police (LNP) swiftly intervened. The Joint Security also states categorically that no lethal weapon was used,” the statement said.
The Joint Security affirmed its commitment to the rule of law and protection of Liberia’s democratic principles.
“The security forces will continue to perform their duties with professionalism and integrity, ensuring that individuals enjoy their rights in a safe environment.”
The Government also urged everyone to avoid violence and continue their everyday activities.
In another development, the Government of Liberia said its attention had been drawn to a story published in a local daily insinuating that the government sought to search former President George Manneh Weah’s residence.
“The Government of Liberia categorically denies that it or any of its agencies ever requested or sought to obtain a warrant to search and seize the home of former President Weah.”
The Government emphatically states that the newspaper story about a supposed plan to search and seize the former President’s home is false and untrue.
It noted that the case in question, the Gracious Ride case, is currently before the Supreme Court.
It detailed that the prosecutorial arm of the Government is the Ministry of Justice, and if questions, indictments, or warrants of arrest are to be issued, they would derive from the Ministry of Justice.
The Government of Liberia has called on the local daily to retract and correct its sensational and unverified publication as it could lead to a dangerous national security situation.

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