Team Unity gets over 40 Bong Journalists Endorsement

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Team Unity gets over 40 Bong Journalists Endorsement

IPNEWS:  Ahead of the Press Union of Liberia, (PUL), elections slated for this August 2024, Team Unity has gotten another huge endorsement from journalists in Bong County.
The Bong Journalists of over forty on Sunday, August 18, 2024, in Gbarnga City endorsed aspirants on team Unity for all positions ranging from the presidency to the Assistant Secretary -General post.
“We think by electing Madam Mae Azango as president, Aloysius Makor, vice president, Akoi M. Baysah, Jr., Secretary General and Julius Konton as Assistant Secretary General of the Press Union of Liberia would demonstrate a strong statement of our commitment to ensuring equal opportunities for all members of our journalism profession, regardless of their gender”, The statement noted.
The Bong Journalists further noted that “conscience-minded journalists in Bong County firmly believe that it is time for a female-driven leadership to take on the helm of the Press Union of Liberia”, and also stated that throughout history, women have made significant contributions to the field of journalism, yet they have been consistently underrepresented in leadership positions”.
In furtherance, the Bong journalists in their endorsement Statement believe that by electing a leadership led by an experienced and dedicated female journalist and media actor would serve a as bold and progressive step toward achieving true gender equality in the media sector of Liberia.
“Female journalists bring unique perspectives and sets of experiences to the table, they have faced and overcome numerous obstacles throughout their careers, consistently demonstrating their resilience, persistence, and dedication to reporting the truth”, the statement stressed.
The group of Bong Journalists strongly believes that electing a female-included leadership to represent us at the Press Union of Liberia would not only provide a role model for aspiring female journalists but also ensure that the union is governed by individuals who understand the challenges and needs of everyone in the field of journalism, particularly in Liberia.
In acceptance of the endorsement, the presidential hopeful of the Press Union of Liberia, both local and international awards winning Journalist Madam Mae Azango thanked Bong Journalists for their unflinching support towards Team Unity.
Madam Mae Azango has promised to firstly unify members of the Union immediately after her election as president.
According to her, “members of the Union are hugely divided as a result of the almost two years of court case caused by her proposed opponent Team Julius Kanubah”.
“Ones who liberates don’t rule, and as such Kanubah is a party to the huge divide amongst members of the Union and must do the needful to decline his bid to contest in the impending PUL elections or must be vehemently rejected by members through protest votes”, she stressed.
The lone female presidential aspirant emphasized that the union is at a crossroads, and it is about time that a unifier and neutralizer like her be trusted with the presidency of the Press Union.
She has vowed that her leadership will address the construction of the Press Union Headquarters, creating equal opportunities for all, robust advocacy for press freedom, Freedom of speech and Human rights, Welfare of journalists, Accountability, and restoring the local and international dignity of the Press Union of Liberia.
Meanwhile, Madam Azango has urged all journalists across the country to ensure every member of the team gets elected for a vibrant and responsible Union.

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