Western Region Legislative Caucus Reviews Key Legal and Development Initiatives

Diaspora News

Western Region Legislative Caucus Reviews Key Legal and Development Initiatives

IPNEWS: The Western Region Legislative Caucus (WRLC) has taken decisive steps toward enhancing governance and development in Bomi, Cape Mount, and Gbarpolu counties. In a pivotal meeting held today in Tubmanburg City, the WRLC received and deliberated on two significant reports that will shape the region’s future.

The first report resulted from a comprehensive legal review conducted pro bono by esteemed members of the bar associations from Bomi, Cape Mount, and Gbarpolu counties. This review focused on all concession agreements and Mineral Development Agreements (MDAs) between the Government of Liberia (GoL) and mining companies operating in Western Liberia. The legal review committee, comprising respected legal minds from the region, delivered a thorough assessment, providing insights into the enforcement and compliance of the terms outlined in these agreements.

During the caucus session, members engaged in a robust discussion on the legal review’s findings. The committee’s recommendations were carefully considered, and the caucus expressed its commitment to taking the necessary legislative actions to ensure that the interests of Western Liberia’s citizens are fully protected. The WRLC’s dedication to holding all parties accountable in these agreements underscores its resolve to safeguard the region’s resources and ensure equitable benefits for its people.

In addition to the legal review, the caucus also received a draft of a three-year development plan for Western Liberia, encompassing Bomi, Cape Mount, and Gbarpolu counties. This comprehensive roadmap, presented by the WRLC Secretariat, outlines key development areas, including education, health, roads, and tourism. The WRLC expressed delight at the strategic vision laid out in the plan and pledged to work diligently to finalize it, ensuring that it is effectively implemented to drive progress across the region.

The WRLC emphasized its commitment to fostering reconciliation and driving robust development in the three counties over the next three years. The caucus members assured the citizens of Bomi, Cape Mount, and Gbarpolu of their unwavering dedication to achieving these objectives and building a prosperous and unified Western Liberia.

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