Liberia: ‘Drugs Dealers’ Case to Resume

Crime Watch

Liberia: ‘Drugs Dealers’ Case to Resume

IPNEWS: Criminal Court “C” at the Temple of Justice, is expected to begin full trial in the case involving George Obi, alias Japan, and 10 other alleged drugs dealers .

Those indicted by the Grand Jury of Montserrado County are George Obi, Peter Mamah, Edwin Ozioko, Ndubuisi Okornkwo, Igwe David, Sunday Udeh, Shelly Shelton, Evan Jamo, China Ekwa, Edwin Ozioko, Bridgestone Harris and others to be identified.

The defendants were charged with the crimes: “Unlawful Maintenance and Distribution of Controlled Drugs or Substances, Unlicensed Sale and Distribution of Controlled Drugs, or Substance Criminal Conspiracy.”

The  indictment said the alleged crimes of the defendants violate Section 14.94, Section 14.85, Section 14.89 (a), and (b), Section 14.91, and it’s against the peace and dignity of the Republic of Liberia.

It can be recalled on February 21, 2024, the Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency Special team via a ‘search and seizures warrant’ and a Writ of Arrest from the New Kru Town’s St. Paul Bridge Magisterial Court was sent at the homes of the named defendants.

“This search warrant is served on several drug dealers to include Defendant George Obi, alias Japan, Peter Mamah, Edwin Ozioko, Ndubuisi Okornkwo Sunday Uden, Igwe David, Shelly Shelton, China Ekwa, Evan Jamo, Edwin Ozioko and Bridgestone Harris to be identified, were jointly caught with harmful drugs and or substances.”

The named defendants were arrested with Kush — 800g; Heroin — 133.5g; Marijuana — 500g; and Tramadol — 16.6g, totaling 1,450.1g.

The indictment reveals that the defendants know of the harmfulness of these drugs to the growth and development of the country.

The Grand Jury, further, said that the defendants had the intent to pollute Liberia’s youthful population, and they began to purposely, knowingly, willfully and intentionally, transport, distribute, and sell these drugs at the detriment of the Liberian society.

However, the LDEA investigation put the total value of the drugs caught with the defendants during the commission of crimes US$31,625or its equivalence of L$6,707,370.

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