Assets Declaration & Conflict of Interest Comments Turn Local Confab into Uncontrollable Confusion

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Assets Declaration & Conflict of Interest Comments Turn Local Confab into Uncontrollable Confusion

IPNEWS: A national orientation meeting for local government officials appointed by President Joseph Boakai’s government organized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, came to an abrupt standstill after local government authorities questioned the transparency of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC), in determining asset declaration and conflict of interest.

The outrage ensued after LACC call for local authorities across the country, especially for those whose appointments by the president had 30 days to declare their assets, warning that officials failing to meet the deadline would face unspecified consequences.

The LACC stated further that asset declarations would occur every three years to promote transparency and accountability, even if officials were promoted, stressing that officials without assets were encouraged to declare any possessions they had.

“Even if you were Assistant Minister for one month and then get another position or get promoted, you will still declare your assets,” Vivian Akoto, Executive Assistant at LACC said in a presentation.

Local government authorities questioned LACC transparency in the application of LACC regulations for past local government officials under the Goerge Weah’s administration.

Chief among the descends is Nimba County Supt. Kou Meapeh Gono who challenged LACC ofoficals to show proof that the LACC ensured the application of the LACC regulations for local government under the Weah’s government.

However, the LACC responded in affirmative, saying those who did not declare their assets in the past names were published in three dailies, which still remain questionable.

On the issue of conflict of Interest, the LACC call on Local government officials to avoid conflicts of interest and the misuse of public resources by government officials, stressing that superintendents and their relatives have to bid for any project in the county through a proper vetting process.

Key to the contention was LACC determination of conflict of interest as the used of once money as public officials to enhance his/her workings and demand refund.

In a detestable posture, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs for Operation Madam Serena Polson Mappy cautioned that the local leaders were not aware of the new law, so it requires more awareness and education as the best option to ensuring smooth workings of government functionaries.

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