Police Justifies Deployment at CDC Vicinity

Diaspora News

Police Justifies Deployment at CDC Vicinity

IPNEWS: It can be recalled on Monday, August 5, 2024 several police officers of the anti-riot unit backed by its water spraying truck were seen deployed adjacent to the CDC headquarters as a result of a planned protest by  dismissed EPS agents.

However, the CDC through its acting National chair has condemned the deployment of riot police officers around its headquarters and further warned the Liberia National Police never to repeat such action.

But speaking in an interview with Voice of America Daybreak Africa, the Inspector General of the Liberia National Police, Colonel Gregory Coleman, said the deployment of police was intended to protect the protectors and the public.

He said riot police officers were not deployed in the premises of the CDC headquarters but were outside of the party’s premises with the intent to protect everyone including the protestors.

On Monday, August 5, 2024, Police restored calm has restored after pockets of protest earlier Monday morning at the headquarters of the main opposition Congress for Democratic Change (CDC).

Officers of the Liberian National Police Riot Unit backed by the Police Support Unit told IPNEWS that police presence was a confidence patrol amidst threats by some lay-off employees of the Executive Protection Service (EPS).

According to a senior Police commander preferring not to be named told IPNEWS that presence was a pre-empty strike to interrupt heighten plans by the dismissed EPS officers to use the CDC headquarters to launch their planned protest.

Over the weekend, reports emerged that dismissed EPS Agents had planned to stage a protest code named ‘kill one, kill all’, on Monday, August 5, 2024, for their benefits

The dismissed EPS officers are demanding settlement for alleged prolonged delay by the government to address issues relating to their benefits.

This latest planned action comes following a recent press conference held by CDC Political Leader George Weah.

Following President Weah’s Press Conference on Tuesday, July 30, some members of the CDC were heard threatening to resist the ongoing prosecution of former officials caught in an audit report.

Meanwhile, CDC Secretary General and former Mayor of Monrovia, Jefferson Koijee, says Monday’s presence of heavily armed Police on the grounds of the CDC were mere bluff and warn that the CDC will not allow further provocation.

Koijee said the CDC is a register Political institution to conduct its affairs under the constitution and will not secretly go about doing anything outside the law.

He called members of the CDC to keep calm and should remain law abiding.

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