Liberia: ‘Weah didn’t listen to me to Audit Sirleaf Gov’t’ Senator Prince Johnson

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Liberia: ‘Weah didn’t listen to me to Audit Sirleaf Gov’t’ Senator Prince Johnson

—–Hails Boakai Gov’t for Commencing Audit

Nimba Senator Prince Y. Johnson has revealed how on many occasions he advised former President George Manneh Weah, to audit the outgoing government of Noble Lauret Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, but Weah refused to listen to him.

Speaking on the Bana early morning live-phone-in show Monday, August 5, 2024, Senator Johnson revealed that he told the former president to conduct an audit on the Sirleaf-Boakai Government, as early as four days after his inauguration but closed associate of the former President advised him not to listen to him.

“I went to see former President Weah at his house, and I reiterated to him that we needed to conduct an audit, especially promises he and others made during the campaign to the people of Liberia, in other to established what was left in the national treasury, yet former President Weah and his closed associates did not listen to me.”

“So, in short, what we should have done, that we did not do, is exactly what the Unity Party under President Boakai is doing. Is that witch-hunting? I don’t think so! If we had not siphoned the people’s money from the national coffer, if we had not massively been looted, so then, why should we fear?”

“I think President Weah, my in-law, my former President should encourage his former officials to appear before the court to answer whatever has led to the indictment. He should encourage them to go, instead of calling a Press Conference to call the government the name he is calling them right now,” Senator Johnson stated.

The statement by Senator Prince Johnson, bears testament to recent revelations by former Auditor General John Morlu made alleging that former President Weah sided with former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to steal 1.23 billion dollars during her twelve years rule.

Former Auditor-General John Morlu unleashed another bombshell suggesting that former President George Manneh Weah, is fully knowledgeable about the stolen wealth of 1.23 billion United States dollars under former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf but kept it secret.

Morlu who of recent has come up with damning reports of corruption in the Liberian governance system stated that over 1 billion dollars was stolen under the twelve years ruled of former Nobel Laurent and former President of Liberia Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.

The former auditor General of Liberia said it was unthinkable for former president Weah and the CDC be crying foul as the Boakai’s governance commences the implementation of audits when they are admitting to covering up criminal corrupt acts of the Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf’s regime hoping Joseph Boakai would also cover it up for them.

Morlu reveals that former president George Weah and nearly all CDC members are in “regret mode,” that’s why they resulted to internally attacking each other for convincing Weah not to audit Sirleaf and Boakai’s 12 years of “gross corruption,” recounting that former president Sirleaf admitted on her parting note that her biggest regret was not fighting corruption as hard as she could, leaving the country deeply corrupted.

“Weah saw an opening to plunder. He came to power with a group of young idealists who quickly saw the loopholes and the enormous benefits of maintaining the corrupt system. In a debate, the now disgraced Sam Tweah lashed out, “Everything for John Morlu is about corruption. He wants to witch-hunt Sirleaf. That’s not our business. We are moving on.” Life is strange. Now Tweah is crying “witch hunt.”

“Weah called and asked me for advice. I told him, as I did with Boakai: end impunity by reviewing 12 years of audit reports, launch special investigations into the 27 potential frauds I identified, and swiftly prosecute. Weah agreed. But two months later, he backed out.”

“Justice Minister Dean supported two of the fraud investigations because they would have given Liberia a potential $600 million windfall to be conducted by a Portuguese forensic team with a Liberian team from the government, as it was a highly specialized area. But Dean was too weak and afraid to push through and insist on the investigations as the Justice Minister. He chickened out and went into hiding. Today, new information from inside CDC indicated Emmanuel Shaw, Archie Bernard, (Robert Sirleaf’s “friend”), and Archie Bright discouraged going after Ellen. But with pressure on him, Weah was eventually forced to arrest Sirleaf’s son and Governor Weeks over the $16 billion scandal, while leaving Tweah untouched in his unorthodox $25 million mop-up exercise, where they doled out millions to fictitious money changers, as per GAC reports. Boakai must not repeat Weah’s mistakes by having untouchables.” For more into this, read: Weah Cover-Up Ellen’s Stolen 1.23 Billion Money’, Former Auditor General Asserts – Independent Probe Newspaper

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