Paul Wungko Raps on Benefit of Sustainable Agriculture @ Special Agro-Industrial Processing Zone


Paul Wungko Raps on Benefit of Sustainable Agriculture @ Special Agro-Industrial Processing Zone

IPNEWS: Liberia leading young agriculturist Paul Wungko, owner of the Wungko Farms has told a gathering of industrial agriculturist that the one of the core pillars of the special Agro-Industrial Processing Zone (SAPZ), is the implementation of sustainable practices in agro-processing.

Wungko stated that sustainable practices in agro-processing remains crucial to the balance productivity with environmental responsibility, stressing that by incorporating sustainable agricultural practices within the processing zone, Liberia agriculturist could be ensure of growth does not come at the expense of our environment.

“Reducing waste and enhancing resource efficiency in agro-processing operations is not only beneficial for the environment but also for our bottom line. Sustainable practices lead to long-term profitability and enhance our market competitiveness. By minimizing waste and optimizing the use of resources, we can lower production costs and improve the quality of our products.”

“The impact of sustainable practices extends beyond immediate economic benefits. It positions us as leaders in responsible agriculture, attracting conscientious consumers and investors who prioritize sustainability. This, in turn, opens up new markets and opportunities for our products both locally and internationally.” Paul Wunko stated.

The young agriculturist said achieving sustainability requires collaboration between government, industry, and communities for joint collaboration for the promotion of practices that protect the  environment for the attainment of economic growth.

He stressed that Government policies and incentives can support sustainable initiatives, while industry innovations can drive efficiency and productivity-noting that Community engagement is essential in adopting and maintaining sustainable practices on the ground.

“Wungko Farms has been on a growth trajectory that aligns perfectly with the SAPZ and the advancement of sustainable farming. Our journey from a small farm to one of the leading agricultural enterprises in Liberia is a testament to the potential that lies within our sector. By embracing smart farming practices and focusing on sustainability, we have managed to create a model that is both economically viable and environmentally friendly.”

“Let us commit to working together, to supporting each other, and to investing in our future. Let us ensure that the benefits of this project reach every corner of our nation, from the bustling cities to the remote villages. And let us remember that every seed we plant, every innovation we adopt, and every young mind we inspire brings us one step closer to a brighter future.” Paul Wungko pointed out.

Mr. Wungko alluded all struggling and progressive Liberian agriculturist to ensuring that the SAPZ Project came to a fruition, adding that the collective dedication and vision of all are now  paving way for a prosperous and sustainable future for Liberia where positive impact initiative will have on the agricultural sector and the nation in general.

In his earlier statement, Mr. Wungko, lauded Liberia Special Economic Zones Authority, the African Development Bank, and all partners for making this visionary project a reality by the formal launch of the Special Agro-Industrial Processing Zone (SAPZ).

He expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Prince A Wreh, the Executive Chairman of the Liberia Special Economic Zones Authority, for his outstanding commitment to the SAPZ project and to the economic growth of Liberia.

Wungko further lauded Vice President Jeremiah Koung, for the commitment the government for its unwavering support for the agricultural sector which remains essential for our nation’s progress.

He stated that as the founder of Wungko Farms, He have seen firsthand the transformative power of agriculture, adding that Agriculture is not just about cultivating crops and raising animals; but about nurturing the seeds of our future, empowering our communities, and building a resilient and prosperous nation.

“Today, as we launch this 200-hectare agro-industrial zone, we are taking a bold step toward realizing this vision. The SAPZ Project will revolutionize our agricultural landscape, providing the infrastructure necessary to process raw materials into finished goods. This will not only enhance the value of our produce but also create jobs, stimulate economic growth, and strengthen our food security.”

“But beyond the economic benefits, this project represents a beacon of hope for our youth. The future of Liberia lies in the hands of our young people, and it is our responsibility to equip them with the tools and opportunities they need to succeed. At Wungko Farms, we have made it our mission to engage the youth in agri-preneurship, to inspire them to see agriculture not just as a livelihood but as a career of innovation and impact.”

“Your Excellency, it is time we change the narrative around farming. For too long, farming has been seen as an occupation for the poor and the old. Today, we must recognize farming for what it truly is: a dynamic and profitable business where young people can thrive and make a fortune. Countries like Kenya, Ghana, and Nigeria are already demonstrating the immense potential of agribusiness. Young entrepreneurs in these nations are leveraging technology, innovative farming practices, and strategic market connections to build successful agricultural enterprises.”

“Kenya, for instance, is renowned for its vibrant agritech scene, with startups revolutionizing everything from crop management to market access. In Ghana, young agripreneurs are leading the way in organic farming and agro-processing, creating high-value products for both local and international markets. Nigeria’s agricultural sector is experiencing a renaissance, driven by youth-led initiatives in poultry, fisheries, and sustainable farming practices.”

“The SAPZ Project offers an incredible opportunity to further this mission. By fostering an environment that supports agricultural innovation and entrepreneurship, we can empower our youth to take the lead in transforming our agricultural sector. We can inspire them to embrace sustainable farming practices, to leverage technology for greater efficiency, and to drive the change that our country needs.”

“Your Excellency, I look forward to the day when you can proudly declare that all government functions will be served only with food products made in Liberia. This vision aligns perfectly with the goals of the SAPZ Project. By supporting local farmers and processors, we will be able to provide high-quality, locally-produced food for all occasions, showcasing the richness of our land and the talent of our people.”

“As we stand on the brink of this new era in Liberian agriculture, let us envision a future where our farms are thriving hubs of activity and innovation, where our young people are the driving force behind our agricultural success, and where our communities are prosperous and resilient.” Paul Wungko.

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