“Corruption Undermines Nation’s Progress,” Says Former President Sirleaf

Diaspora News

“Corruption Undermines Nation’s Progress,” Says Former President Sirleaf

IPNEWS: Former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has called for a renewed and comprehensive approach to tackling corruption in Liberia. Highlighting the need for preventive measures, Sirleaf emphasized the importance of instilling values of honesty and integrity from a young age.

Speaking with Dr. Larry Bropleh on the program “Changing Minds, Changing Attitudes,” Sirleaf pointed out that despite efforts to implement systems and institutions to address corruption, it remains deeply rooted in various sectors, even within familiar and organizational settings.

“The fight against corruption requires more than exposure and punishment; it demands a cultural shift towards discipline and patriotism,” said Sirleaf. She stressed that combating corruption is not just about punitive measures but about fostering a culture of honesty and integrity across all levels of society.

The former Liberian Leader called on Liberians to commit to these values, urging individuals and institutions alike to adopt a disciplined and united approach to achieve the nation’s developmental goals. Drawing comparisons to more successful nations, she underscored that discipline and collective effort are crucial for Liberia’s progress.

“Corruption undermines the nation’s progress, so as patriots, all of us must make a commitment to ourselves for our country’s success,” Sirleaf stated.

Her remarks come as Liberia continues to grapple with pervasive corruption, which has been a significant barrier to the country’s growth and development.

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