To help Reduce Drugs Abuse in Liberia, Brain Light International Officially Launched

Crime Watch

To help Reduce Drugs Abuse in Liberia, Brain Light International Officially Launched

By Taisiah Merfee

To help government and other organizations fright against Drugs Abuse and other form of Societal problems in Liberia a non-for-profit organizations had Been officially launched to the public.

Brain light international established in 2024 with the sole purpose of  frighting societal Problems in Liberia to include ,Drug abuse and addiction, Prostitution , early exposure to sex and teenage Pregnancy ,Mental Health ,Corruption among young people.

Brain Light International is also in partnership with Cititrust Savings and loan limited ,Gateway medical Clinic  Insurance Company of Africa Redeemed Christian Church.

Giving the overview of the organization the Executive Director of Brain light international said as a organization the will be providing training for young people, through faith base organizations by using the gospel in Educating young people across Liberia.

According to the Brain light international Executive Director  Kelvin A.Volar the organization is not in Liberia for profit making but to provide help to national  government in reducing prostitution,  drug and to provide prevention of the young people who see Prostitution and Drugs Abuse as a way of living.

“We believe that if a young person have a Godly Foundation, Early Pregnancy, Drug Abuse , Mental disorder ,Mentorship. The effects of these things are due to poverty and this is why we are here to launch this project.” Kelvin Volar stated.

Mr Volar added that as head of the group he they thrilled to share heartfelt gratitude for the incredible support and dedication that made their launching program a resounding success commitment, hard work, and unwavering belief in our vision have been truly.

He said strategic guidance and wise counsel have been instrumental in steering towards this achievement. Your leadership has provided us with the clarity and direction needed to navigate the complexities of our journey.

He at the same time appreciated Partners, who collaborated and shared their enthusiasm which has significantly contributed to the success, expertise and resources. Certainly, we are grateful for the strong alliances we have built together.

Launching the Organization on Saturday July 20,2024 at the Samuel Jayon Doe sports Complex in Paynesville the international Youth Pastor &PA to General overseer Redeemed Christian Church of God Pastor Blemina Obunge said the challenge of Drug is not just reducing the proliferation increase on a daily basis but required a collective effort by all Christian and Muslims in Liberia to used few minutes of their time while preaching to provide adequate awareness to the people on the harmful effects of drug on the society .

Pastor Obunge said the Drug being consumed by young people are equally spiritual rallied the Churches to play a key role in frighting this national crisis.

“It’s important that we all work together in a transformative way to help change our generation, The community needs enlightenment to undercut this national pandemic”.

For her part, the Deputy Director for Leeward at the Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency the (LDEA) said Drug trafficking is a serious problem confronting the fight against illicit drugs in Liberian that requires a national attention.

According to Director Precious Rue all these young people who are open the street are from good home and family which is very bad for the development process of Liberia.

Director Rue is at the same time calling on the Christian community across the country to continue the awareness through their various congregations in rising the alerts on the harmful effects of drug.

“The public expects more from us but we Can only do what we receive from national -Government. We the men and women’s of the LDEA will always be there to provide adequate oversight in preventing drugs.” Director Rue stated.

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