Liberia: Pres. Boakai Seeks UN Support for War and Economic Crimes Court

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Liberia: Pres. Boakai Seeks UN Support for War and Economic Crimes Court

—- Vanguard Student Unification Party (SUP) Welcomes the Appointment of Cllr. Johnathan Massaquoi

IPNEWS: President Joseph Boakai of Liberia has taken a significant step towards establishing War and Economic Crimes Courts in the country.

In a formal letter to United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, President Boakai requested both financial and technical assistance to bring these courts to fruition.

This move is seen as a crucial element in addressing the lingering issues of justice and accountability from Liberia’s past conflicts.

The confirmation of the letter’s receipt came from the Secretary-General’s office, which informed Front Page Africa/New Narratives that the letter was received on May 9. “We have shared it with the relevant department for the appropriate action/response,” stated the office in an email.

Despite this confirmation, President Boakai has not publicly acknowledged the letter. This silence has stirred frustration among supporters of the court, who demand transparency in the process.

Presidential Press Secretary Kula Fofana has also been unresponsive to multiple requests for confirmation of the letter.

John Morlu, a former auditor general under President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and an initial supporter of Boakai, expressed his disappointment: “I support the War Crimes Court 100 percent, but I don’t like the games they are playing,” he stated. Massa Washington, a former commissioner of Liberia’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), echoed this sentiment, calling for the president to make the letter public. “This process must be transparent every step of the way,” she urged via WhatsApp.

In the letter, President Boakai emphasized that Liberia could no longer delay justice for the atrocities committed during its civil wars. This call for action aligns with the recent appointment of Cllr. Jonathan Massaquoi as Executive Director of the Office of the War and Economic Crimes Court (OWC), a move welcomed by U.S. Congressman Chris Smith.

Smith, who chairs the House Global Human Rights Subcommittee, praised Boakai for his dedication to justice. “With this critical appointment, President Boakai continues to show his commitment and eagerness for justice,” Smith stated in a public statement.

However, this appointment has not been without controversy. Human rights advocates and members of the coalition have voiced significant concerns regarding Cllr. Massaquoi’s suitability for the role.

Reports indicate that Massaquoi has previously served as legal counsel for individuals accused of serious war crimes.

Among them is Madam Agnes Reeves Taylor, the ex-wife of former Liberian President Charles G. Taylor, who faced war crimes charges in a UK court. Taylor himself is serving a 50-year sentence for crimes committed in Sierra Leone.

Moreover, Massaquoi has been involved in defending Gebril Massaquoi, a Sierra Leonean national currently being prosecuted in Finland for atrocities allegedly committed during Liberia’s civil war.

These associations have raised questions about potential conflicts of interest, given that the new role involves leading efforts to prosecute similar crimes.

The coalition stresses the importance of appointing individuals without such controversial backgrounds to ensure the credibility and integrity of the War and Economic Crimes Court.

The appointment of Cllr. Massaquoi has, therefore, cast a shadow over the process, with advocates fearing it could undermine the very justice the court aims to deliver.

Despite the mixed reactions, President Boakai’s actions reflect a broader commitment to addressing Liberia’s turbulent history.

The establishment of the War and Economic Crimes Courts is seen as a pivotal step in providing justice for victims and ensuring that those responsible for grave human rights violations are held accountable.

This initiative, while fraught with challenges, holds the potential to bring closure to many affected by the civil wars.

The international community’s support, particularly from the UN, is crucial in ensuring the successful establishment and operation of these courts. As Liberia moves forward, the transparency and integrity of this process will be essential in gaining the trust and support of its citizens and the global community.

Meanwhile, the  Vanguard Student Unification Party (SUP) of the University of Liberia welcomes the appointment of Cllr. Johnathan Massaquoi as Executive Director of the Office of War and Economic Crimes Court, Implore Civil Society and Human Rights Groups to Rally Support in the Fight for Justice for War and Economic Crimes Victims

In a statement issued in Monrovia, SUP called on comrades and compeers of Massescracy, revolutionary militants and ideologues of the national democratic revolution of the homeland, sons and daughters of the neglected and secluded strata of our society, victims of war and economic crimes, conscious and resilient students of the University of Liberia, that the appointment of Cllr. Massaquoi is irrepressible and insuppressible.

The Vanguard Student Unification Party scrupulously presented to all astute massescratic salutations from the ganglion and control center of revolutionary enlightenment and consciousness that guides  the spiritual dignity of our forebearers and the philosophical gallantry of our noble institution, that all comrades remain reliably faithful on SUP as a fearless voice against national or public moral turpitude and decadence that keeps Liberians vulnerable to poverty, misery, destitution, and indignity.

SUP recounted that on May 2, 2024, President Boakai issued executive order 131 establishing the office of War and economic crimes with the sole responsibility of pursuing and prosecuting reactionary elements who have identified as having committed in Liberia acts amounting and constituting to war crimes and crimes against humanity.

This decision, according to SUP comes amidst many years of consistent struggles by the militants and cadres of the Students Unification Party and other rights groups in Liberia who have since demanded the prosecution of all those evil and devilish bandits believe to bear greater responsibility for the civil and economic atrocities committed in Liberia.

“In this regard, SUP being one of the most powerful voices in the fight for war and economic crimes court and one of those institutions that have held the highest number of rallies to both local and international institutions demanding the court’s establishment, officially welcomes Cllr Johnthan Massaquoi appointment to the office of executive director for war and economic crimes court. Having fully researched and vetted the credentials of Cllr Massaquoi, the vanguard party has concluded that this astute, discipline and renowned massescratic lawyer meets the fullest standards and has both the moral and legal requirements to serve this body. Cllr. Massaquoi has a long history in criminal and human rights laws, legal ethics and investigation all of which place him as a perfect pick to deliver on this task accordantly.”

“SUP believes that Cllr Massaquo longstanding records of legal investigation, honesty and integrity aren’t only enforcing qualities but also place him in the position to fully discharge the duties of the office of war crimes court. As part of the Executive Director responsibilities, Cllr Massaquo have been charged with the duties to rally support, gain the needed international attraction and create a full role map on which the war and economic crimes court will be established. SUP sees these tasks as cumbersome and challenging as Cllr Massaquoi now carries the hopes and aspirations of all victims of war and economic crimes in Liberia. SUP cautions Cllr Massaquoi to serve with diligence, professionalism and impartiality as this responsibility will mark a major milestone in the effort to dispense justice for victims of war and economic crimes of which are the abandoned and dejected masses of our people.”

“Comrades and friends, in the wake of the pronouncement of the Executive Director of War and Economic crimes court, human rights violators and war crimes perpetrators are unsettled and imploring dubious means to cause panic, chaos and confusions amongst war crimes court advocates and human rights actors. It is prudent therefore to build more resilient and commanding front that contains the energy and enthusiasm of patriots in order to face these reactionary forces that are planing to dismantle our peoples hope for justice. In this regards, SUP uses this medium to call upon all human rights advocates, the coalition of civil society groups,  youth and student groups and all war and economic crimes court advocates to rally hands and stand in a gallant but very progressive voice with the Executive Director for the office of war crimes to ensure that this court is fully established and serve its rightful purpose. It is obvious that many of those who perpetrated atrocities during the war are still powerful in Liberia and have significant resources to challenge efforts that is concentrated at bringing them to book. But however, as human rights defenders, we must so on realize that by playing to their tone, we risk the legitimacy to stand with our people and this apperant fallout will be a victory for warlords and their handlers. We’re calling on each and every Liberian who still believe that justice is possible, to stand up now and start massive awareness in their local communities on the need for war crimes court and the significant relief this court will bring to many Liberians. As many of us are aware, the war took away over 200thousand of our compatriots who were killed senselessly by devilish warlords who were stupidly motivated by naked opportunistic desperation, we should never allow the blood of these men and women spilled in vein. Justice must be served!! Now is the the time for progressive compatriots to stand up and ensure that this court is made possible for the compelling despense of justice and for the memories of our falling national heroes and sheroes.”

“Comrades, in conclusion, the vanguard Party mandates all militants, cadres and students leaders in Liberia to join ranks and begin immediate sensitization on the efforts of ensuring war and economic crimes court in Liberia.” The SUP statement in the name to Long live Social Justice, Academic Freedom, and Peace — Long live MASSESCRACY , concludes

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