Liberia: Pres. Boakai Honors 2024 Liberian Muslim Hajj Pilgrims

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Liberia: Pres. Boakai Honors 2024 Liberian Muslim Hajj Pilgrims

Remarks by His Excellency Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr.,

President of the Republic of Liberia

Special Islamic Prayer Service Program held in Honor of the 2024 Liberian Muslim Hajj Pilgrims

EJS Ministerial Complex

Monrovia, Liberia


July 3rd, 2024


Honorable Pilgrims, Distinguished Religious Leaders, Fellow Liberians,

Ladies, and Gentlemen,

I stand before you today deeply honored and moved by this gathering. The return of our esteemed pilgrims from the 2024 Hajj in Saudi Arabia is a moment of great spiritual significance and national pride. Your journey was a demonstration of faith and devotion to your religious tenets.

First and foremost, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to each of you for successfully completing this sacred pilgrimage. Your prayers and sacrifices are not just personal acts of faith but are powerful contributions to the spiritual and moral fabric of our country. Your return marks a time for reflection, renewal, and a collective commitment to the principles of peace, unity, and development. We must all do our part!

As we gather here for this special prayer service, let us remember that our strength as a nation lies in our unity. Liberia, with its different cultures, languages, and religions, stands as a beacon of diversity. Yet, it is our unity in diversity that forms the bedrock of our national identity. Today, more than ever, we must foster this unity, recognizing that together we are stronger, more resilient, and more capable of overcoming the challenges that we must overcome to make our country prosperous for ourselves and for generation yet unborn.

In this light, I call upon all Liberians to embrace the spirit of togetherness. Let us set aside our differences and work hand in hand towards the common goal of national development. Our journey to progress and prosperity demands the participation of every citizen, irrespective of their background, creed, or status. By uniting our efforts, we can create a better future for our children and the generations to come.

Economic development and social progress are paramount to our nation’s growth. My administration is committed to creating opportunities for all Liberians, ensuring that no one is left behind. We are working tirelessly to build a robust economy that provides jobs, improves infrastructure, and enhances the quality of life for every citizen. However, this vision can only be realized through collective effort and relentless dedication.

In this endeavor, I see a critical role for our religious leaders. You are the moral compass of our society, the voices of hope, and the champions of ethical conduct. Your influence extends beyond the walls of your places of worship into the hearts and minds of our people. I urge you to continue to lead with integrity, to inspire positive change, and to advocate for social justice and economic empowerment. Please remember you are also fathers and mothers who desire to create a good future for your children.

Let us build a nation where everyone has the opportunity to succeed. Let us cultivate an environment where education is valued, healthcare is accessible, and entrepreneurship is encouraged. By doing so, we will create a prosperous Liberia, where the dreams and aspirations of every citizen can be realized.

As we move forward, let us be guided by the principles of compassion, respect, and mutual understanding. Let our actions be driven by a deep sense of duty to our fellow citizens and our beloved country. Through faith and determination, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve greatness.

Finally, I would like to express my profound gratitude for the invitation to this special prayer service. Your prayers and blessings are invaluable, and I am deeply touched by the thought of a presentation. Whatever the gift may be, I receive it with humility and a promise to continue serving our nation with dedication and honor. Let us prove our faith by our deeds.

May the Almighty Allah bless each one of you, bless our endeavors, and bless the Republic of Liberia.

In so doing, let us always Think Liberia, Love Liberia, and Together build Liberia

Thank you.

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