Liberia: I Will not be an Enabler To Steal Gov’t, Partners Money”, Health Minister Kpoto Vows

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Liberia: I Will not be an Enabler To Steal Gov’t, Partners Money”, Health Minister Kpoto Vows

— Calls on Health Stakeholders to Be Transparent, And Abolished Collusion

IPNEWS: Health Minister Dr. Louise M. Kpoto, is warning against the application of resources provided by partners and the government of Liberia.

Speaking at an ongoing strategic leadership and team building retreat under the theme: ‘strengthening coordination, collaboration, and innovative health partnerships to drive national Development, taking place at the Time Royal Ambassador Hotel in Smell-no-taste, Lower Margibi County, Dr. Kpoto told senior managers of the Ministry of Health that her leadership will ensure a zero-tolerance of corruption sighting that she ‘will not an enabler to steal government and partners money.

Dr. Kpoto said for too long the Ministry of Health has been plague with the darken perception of corruption.

She told the Health Ministry senior managers that it was now time to desist from acts of corruption, low-work posture to work and begin a new chapter to elevate the Ministry of Health at all levels for the provisioning quality and timely health services.

“President Joseph Boakai has brought us on board to ensure this Ministry is second to none. If you have your old ways of wanting to get rich, or want to stay home and get payment, I encourage you today to charge your ways as this team will ensure that there is total transparency and accountability for everything that we are entrusted with.”

“I will not be an enabler for any of you here who thinks or want to business as usual. We will take hard decisions to ensure donor and government monies are protected and used for its designated purpose.  You can say whatever you want, but I’m not going be an enabler for anyone to steal or initiate any form of government money.” Dr. Louise M. Kpoto told senior Managers of the Ministry of Health.

It may be recalled, upon taking office, Minister of Health, Dr. Louise Kpoto reiterated her commitment to combat graft at the Ministry of Health.

Dr. Kpoto stated that she was aware of the disturbing news of misappropriation of government and donors’ funds at the Ministry of Health over the last six years, and was committed to the task of ending such bad practice.

“I learned about some misappropriation of donors and government funds here at the Ministry of Health, but please be assured that this issue is one of my priorities [to tackle] as I take over the ministry,” Dr. Kpoto said.

Dr. Kpoto acknowledged the many challenges faced the Ministry and promised to work with her team in delivering.

“I’m aware of the many challenges that has plagued the smooth running of the ministry. One of my priorities is to create a vibrant work environment that would encourage activity at all levels. Therefore, I will like us work together as a team to ensure the success of this very important sector. Remember, there will be some slight changes. Don’t consider this as inefficiency but trying to make the health sector a better place for all of us for our families.”

The Ministry of Health under the past administration was rocked by allegations of corruption. At the peak of these allegation was a leaked audio which revealed the alleged involvement of Margibi County in financial corruption surrounding fraudulent billings and collection of kickbacks from vendors.

This led the United States Government to suspend it financial support to the Margibi County Health team. The officials were dismissed.

Dr. Kpoto promised that under her watch, donor funding will be transparently utilize, adding that every contribution from donors to the Ministry will serve its purpose.

“You can be assured that the contributions made to the healthcare delivery system will be transparently use for the purpose and accounted for, we want to assured all partners and donors of our commitment to fostering a transparent sector that is zero tolerance for corruption,” she said.

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