Liberia: Eugene Fahngon Bites Feeding Hand?

Diaspora News

Liberia: Eugene Fahngon Bites Feeding Hand?

—- As Rep. Yekeh Kolubah Craves House Summons Over Alleged CDC Denial ย 

IPNEWS: Controversial Montaerrado County District No. 10 Representative Yekeh Kolubah is calling for the immediate summons of the Director-General of the Liberia Broadcasting Corporation (LBS), Eugene Fahngon, over his alleged refusal to admit the airing of a jingle for the opposition Congress for Democratic Change (CDC).

In a communication to House Speaker Cllr. Fonati Koffa, Representative Kolubah said the denial of CDC jingles by the management of LBS violates Article 15(d) of the Liberian Constitution.

Article 15(d) asserts that โ€œaccess to state-owned media shall not be denied because of any disagreement or dislike of ideas expressed.

Eugene Fahngon, previously served as Deputy Minister for Public Affairs, Ministry of Information, Culture, And Tourism prior to his fallout with the Weahโ€™s government in early 2022.

Representative Kolubah called on his colleagues to summon the management of LBS to provide โ€œreasons that prompted their judgment for the denial of the Congress for Democratic Change from using the state-owned media.โ€

Recently, the former ruling CDC sent jingles for airing on several media outlets for its upcoming โ€œMilitant Monthโ€ under the theme โ€œTransforming Setbacks into Great Comebacks.โ€

It has been alleged that the management team at the Liberia Broadcasting System refused to play the CDC’s jingles for its upcoming program.

It may be recalled, this week, the opposition CDC had earlier accused the government of Liberia through the Liberia Broadcasting System LBS of denying its jingles airing on the State Run Radio Station.

Addressing a press conference Tuesday in Monrovia, the Assistant Secretary for Press and Propaganda Mamensie Kabba said the CDC jingles intended to create awareness for its upcoming militants-day celebration were denied airing on ELBC by Director General Mr. Eugene Fahngon.

Kabba expressed serious disappointment in the government while describing the alleged denial of the CDC access to the state broadcaster as unconstitutional and unruly.

Fahngon had earlier vowed that the state-run radio station will be a public broadcaster under his watch during his confirmation hearing at the Senate.

When contacted, the Director General of LBS Mr. Eugene Fahngon alluded to denying the CDCย  airing time on ELBC on grounds that the CDC jingle was all about militancy.

Fahngon said he instructed the CDC to edit its jingle before playing it on ELBC but the opposition party refused.

He CDC has announced June 28-30th 2024 as days for the celebration of supporters, Militants and Leaders of the Party.

The CDC said several activities including Lulu games, checkers, and football matches will commemorate the days at its Headquarters.

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