Liberia: Several Returnees Benefit Free Medical Services

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Liberia: Several Returnees Benefit Free Medical Services

IPNEWS: Hundreds of Liberian returnees are benefiting from free medical services being provided by humanitarian organization Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault (MOCSA). The initiative is being carried out MOCSA in partnership with the Liberian Refugees Repatriation and Resettlement (LRRRC).

The three-day medical outreach began Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at the Johnsonville Transit Center in Montserrado County with hundreds of returnees catered to.

Services provided by the MOCSA team include: full laboratory services, medication, referral to other health services or specialists, health promotion and education among others.

Speaking in an interview with reporters during the exercise, Madam Yuconjay Noyu Barchue, Executive Director of MOCSA explained that the initiative is pillared to provide free medical assistance to returnees.

According to her, the organization’s goal is to ensure that returnees are provided with the basic medical services so as to ensure their wellness in society.

“We are providing this opportunity to our returnees because they too deserve good health. Some of the folks here need medical services, but are financially incapacitated. To achieve this, our organization is partnering with LRRRC here at the Johnsonville Transit Camp. This is just the first day and we are expected to be here for the next two days or so,” Madam Barchue told reporters.

According to her, plans are underway to take the medical outreach to other transit centers across the country including the CARI Transit Canter in Bong County.

The beneficiaries, in separate remarks, extolled MOCSA for its kind humanitarian gesture that aims to save lives.

“My son, this intervention came at the right time. This has made some of us to know that we are moving around but sick.  I was checked today. I want to tell this organization thank you for their free medical services to us,” said a beneficiary.

“We thank God for this opportunity. We have been sick but because we don’t have money to go to hospital or clinic so this has been eating us up. Today, we are checked freely and are supplied the needed medication,” stated another beneficiary.

Established in 1975, MOCSA has been a place for survivors and its mission and vision have been to improve the lives of those impacted by sexual abuse and assault and to prevent sexual violence in our community. Together we can create a community free from sexual abuse and assault.

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