Solar-powered prefab Facilities Commissioned for Vegetable Sellers

Diaspora News

Solar-powered prefab Facilities Commissioned for Vegetable Sellers

— As Stakeholders Validate Forest Sector Carbon Readiness Gap Assessment Report


In a significant boost to the local agriculture sector, the Liberia Vegetable Seller Association (LVSA) celebrated the commissioning of a new solar-powered prefab container and solar freezer storage facilities at the omega market on Wednesday 29 May.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through its Livelihood & Employment Creation Project procured two forty-foot solar-powered prefab facilities and 8 solar freezers. Solar-powered prefab containers and solar freezers are innovative and sustainable solutions to boost the income of vegetable sellers and fisherfolks and foster food security. These initiatives harness renewable energy from solar panels to power prefab container units and freezers at much lower rates than grid-based electricity.

Solar energy is clean and renewable; thus, these setups help to reduce carbon emissions. The solar-powered prefab container and solar freezers are particularly advantageous to vegetable sellers and women fishers in areas with limited and irregular power supply. These systems allow vegetable sellers and women fishers to store their goods for extended periods without spoilage, helping them access more markets to secure better prices for their produce.

The event was attended by government officials from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, representatives from UNDP, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the Liberian Marketing Association (LMA), and LVSA.

This initiative is expected to reduce post-harvest losses, ensure better quality produce, reach consumers, and ultimately improve the livelihoods of local farmers and sellers.

In his remarks, the Deputy Minister of Trade and Commerce, Wilmot A. Reeves, emphasized the government’s commitment to empowering small businesses and improving the agricultural value chain. Mr. Reeves said he would work with the UNDP and other partners to have the facility replicated in all parts of Liberia. He also encouraged farmers to grow more rice.

On behalf of UNDP, Dorsla Farcathy Team Leader for the Inclusive Green Growth Portfolio, reassured the government of Liberia of UNDPs continued support and reliable partnership with the government and people of Liberia. He also thanked the government for the cordial working relationship that has manifested into such a huge investment. He further urged that they sustain and prioritize the protection of the facility.

The President of the Liberia Vegetable Seller Association Sumo Mulbah expressed appreciation to UNDP and the government for such an innovative project and the new facilities, highlighting the challenges they faced in the past.

Mr. Mulbah pledged his commitment to ensuring that the facility is used by farmers, vegetable sellers, and women fishers to store their goods. He further appealed to the government to rehabilitate the road leading to the storage facility because it is in terrible condition.

“For years, we have struggled with a lack of proper storage, which often leads to significant losses. These facilities will help us keep our produce fresh for longer periods and allow us to serve our customers better,” Sumo noted.

The state-of-the-art storage units are equipped with modern cooling systems and are strategically located to serve various markets close to Monrovia. This initiative is part of a broader strategy to enhance agricultural productivity and market access.

As the ribbon was cut, signaling the official opening of the facilities, there was a palpable sense of optimism among the attendees. The commissioning of these storage facilities represents a forward step in addressing some of the systemic challenges faced by small-scale farmers, fisherfolks, and vegetable sellers, especially women, and fostering a more resilient and sustainable market atmosphere for them.

With these new facilities, the LVSA, with support from UNDP through the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, is poised to make significant strides in enhancing the vegetable supply chain, ensuring that fresh, locally grown produce remains primarily available on the markets and in Liberian households.

In a related development, on May 27, a significant milestone in Liberia’s commitment to sustainable forest management and climate action was achieved as key stakeholders convened at the Corina Hotel in Monrovia for the review and validation of feasibility studies supporting the Forest Sector Carbon Roadmap and Actions for Liberia.

The primary objective was to get feedback and advice from practitioners in the field, from their various perspectives and was part of the quality assurance efforts for finalizing the report.

This collaborative effort marks a pivotal step in ensuring the long-term preservation of Liberia’s rich forest ecosystems while contributing to global carbon reduction goals.

The report presents a collaborative effort summarizing the findings of a feasibility study that identifies the status of national efforts to support carbon readiness.

It provides an actionable recommendation to the Government of Liberia, supporting its efforts to identify readiness activities, set and clarify roles, responsibilities, and capacity gaps, set timelines, and map opportunities and risks in the carbon market related to the forestry sector.

The event was supported by UNDP Climate Promise in collaboration with EcoHealth Alliance under the USAID-funded Community Works Activity Project. It brought together representatives from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Forestry Development Authority (FDA), the European Union (EU), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Ministry of Agriculture, UNDP, NGO representatives, and civil society organizations.

During the review session, stakeholders examined the findings of the feasibility studies on several key areas including policy and institutional landscape, classification of carbon, carbon rights, benefit sharing, safeguard system, and capacity building. The meeting was concluded with stakeholders providing their feedback and inputs that are to be incorporated before submission of the document to the Government of Liberia.

Liberia’s forests, covering over 4.3 million hectares, are a critical natural resource for the country and play a vital role in the global fight against climate change.

The validation process highlighted the collaborative spirit and shared commitment of all parties involved. Keynote speakers, including representatives from the FDA, the EPA, and international partners like the European Union, USAID, and UNDP, emphasized the importance of a unified approach to addressing climate change through government ownership, leadership, and coordination.

Speaking at the program, the Executive Director of the EPA Dr. Emmanuel Urey Yarkpawolo called for broad collaboration across government to harness the potential of carbon markets, noting that the agency as a regulatory institution, would perform its statutory role and function and should not take ownership of the resources; committing to collaborate with other agencies such as FDA to operationalize carbon market initiatives in Liberia under a national framework to be developed.

“The EPA is there to regulate the resources to conform with the environmental laws of Liberia and in keeping with international laws and agreements. We are committed to safeguarding the environment through sustainable practices and promoting public awareness of environmental issues” said Dr. Yarpakwolo.

UNDP Resident Representative a.i Louis Kuukpen stressed the need for the government to prioritize the operationalization of a dedicated national inter-agency infrastructure with a clear policy direction and high-level political will to lead the carbon readiness initiatives, mobilizing all the development partners that are committed to supporting the government in this venture.

Mr. Kuukpen also called on the government to be resolute, harmonizing mandates and putting aside institutional and agency tussles to achieve the national agenda.

“Today, we assemble not just as policymakers, scientists, or leaders, but as custodians of the wonderful endowment of this beautiful nation called Liberia and our precious planet.

The path to a sustainable future is the path to progress. It signifies sustainable financing that can drive forest conservation, inclusive growth, and national development such as green job creation, and improved livelihoods for all Liberians, including those dependent on forest resources. It is the route to becoming a global leader in the fight against climate change,” he added.

It is expected that the report will inform actions by the government of Liberia in developing a Carbon Roadmap for Liberia, setting the stage for concrete actions and policy implementation. These efforts are expected to enhance Liberia’s capacity to participate in international carbon markets, attract investment in sustainable forestry, and improve the livelihoods of forest-dependent communities.

As Liberia continues to advance its environmental agenda, the collaborative validation of these feasibility studies serves as a beacon of progress and a call to action for continued partnership and innovation in the fight against climate change.

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